Posts by: Shais Taub

Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 16

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The fifth preface: G-d's decree is the only real cause for anything. All other causes are just intermediaries in a process. 
When procuring those things that lie outside of ourselves, we must rely only on G-d by obeying His will for us.

(Chapter 3)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 17

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Continuing the fifth preface, the reason G-d makes there be so many steps in maintaining our needs is in order to test us. One who passes this test will be given his sustenance without work.

(Chapter 3)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 18

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Continuing the fifth preface, sometimes righteous people seem to be working very hard for sustenance and wicked people seem to get everything handed to them. We look into some reasons why the righteous may face difficulties in receiving a livelihood as well as why the wicked may sometimes prosper.

(Chapter 3)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 19

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Continuing the fifth preface, when making a vessel for a livelihood, choose a job that’s suited to you; and when you do it keep in mind that you’re fulfilling G-d's desire for people to work. Don’t become attached to a particular job, thinking it is the source of your livelihood. G-d is the only source of livelihood.

(Chapter 3)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 20

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How to have proper reliance on G-d in one's material as well as spiritual matters. These categories also have many detailed subcategories which will be covered in the following classes.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 21

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Just because G-d is running the world, doesn't mean you are allowed to put yourself in danger. One should not engage in risky behavior.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 22

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We continue to discuss appropriate ways of exhibiting trust in G-d. Even if one has trust, he still must act responsibly.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 23

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One can do nothing to increase the amount of wealth that G-d has already allotted for him. Likewise, a healing only works because G-d wants it to. Sometimes a livelihood and healing come from a place other than where one was looking for them. We must pursue natural means in order to conceal the miracle of G-d providing wealth and healing but the natural means do not actually have power to help or hurt us.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 24

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There are two levels of sustenance: one's own personal needs, and the needs of those one provides for (family or employees). There are three possible errors one can make when in the position for providing for others. Either he might feel that he must compromise his values to get the money for all those he’s providing for; or he thinks it’s all for his own personal use; or he provides for others and reminds them that he’s doing them a favor.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 25

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People often think that associating with wealthy people will somehow make them wealthy also and that this will bring them honor. But wealth itself isn’t honor; spending it properly is what is honorable.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 26

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One need not overwork or work unethically to get the money that is coming to him. Neither should one be mnentally preoccupied with making a living. Fear is the product of a toxic meditation. Faith is the antidote.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 27

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Some healthy self-talk to meditate on when we’re financially stressed: There’s a right moment for everything, and G-d will provide you your livelihood when it’s time. If you only get what you need right now with no surplus it’s alright.
G-d is giving you a livelihood based on what’s perfect for you and your unique needs.

(Chapter 4)
