Posts by: Shais Taub

Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 28

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Trust in G-d is essential to healthy interpersonal relationships. Either you’re a stranger, or among people. When you feel like a stranger it’s time to connect with G-d. We’re all strangers. Rabenu Bachaye offers comfort for the lonely and isolated person.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 29

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More about how trust in G-d factors in our interpersonal relationships. Not relying on people actually allows us to be genuine with them and have a real bond.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 30

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We discuss how to deal with our enemies and those who have hurt us. The person was only a messenger but the damage was decreed by G-d.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 31

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How to have trust in spiritual matters. When it comes to material matters, we need to trust that G-d will take care of things. But with spiritual matters, we need to use the free choice G-d gave us to actually improve our situation.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 32

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More about trust as it relates to discharging our spiritual obligations. There’s no rule book on material matters so we have to have trust; but when it comes to morality we know what we should be doing and the rules never change. It is proper to have trust in spiritual matters once you have put forth effort and only need help finishing. You need to choose what’s right first.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 33

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The importance of bitachon in spiritual matters that involve other people such as performing acts of kindness. Avoid ulterior motives as well as seeking credit for your deeds. If you do receive honor remember that you were only the tool G-d chose for helping others.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 34

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Three (out of seven) reasons why spiritual reward is not discussed clearly in Tanach.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 35

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Four more reasons why spiritual reward and punishment are not clearly stated in Tanach.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 36

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More about our belief in reward and punishment. There is a higher level of reward that is disproportionate to our deeds. It therefore requires trust in order to believe that we will receive it.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 37

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The selfless person will make use of material things to do G-d's will, but never just for personal gratification. In doing so, everything in this life is transformed into a tool for serving G-d.

(Chapter 4)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 38

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How one who has bitachon goes about earning a livelihood in contrast with one who does not have bitachon.

(Chapter 5)


Shaar HaBitachon: Lesson 39

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Continuing with the seven ways in which the one who has bitachon differs from the one who doesn’t have bitachon when earning a livelihood. We discuss people's emotional attachments to their work and how the one who has bitachon will not separate his mundane and religious life. His work is actually a form of worship of G-d.

(Chapter 5)
