Posts by: Shais Taub

The Only True Life (Essence of Chassidus #7)

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The explanation of Modeh Ani according to chasidus is that nothing can defile the purity of a Jew's simple gratitude expressed in this prayer.

The pshat explanation as illuminated by chasidus is that the only true life is a connection with Hashem. From the perspective of the four levels of the soul, G-d enhances one's life. From the perspective of yechidah, G-d is one's life.

(Chs. 11-12)


Resurrection and the Real Reason for Mitzvos (Essence of Chassidus #8)

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The remez interpretation of Modeh Ani is that it alludes to the Resurrection of the Dead that will occur in the times of Moshiach. How can we compare something as mundane as waking up each morning to something as monumental as the resurrection?

The drush interpretation of Modeh Ani is that just like Hashem returns our souls to us, so should we not hold on to the assets of a debtor even though such a prohibition may seem impractical and even senseless.

(Chs. 13-14)


Uniting Two Aspects of G-dliness (Essence of Chassidus #9)

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We revisit the sod interpretation of Modeh Ani that souls are restored when Malchus unites with Yesod. How does chasidus explain this in a way that we can understand?

(Ch. 15.)


The Four Levels Come Together (Essence of Chassidus #10)

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The conclusion reached by each of the four levels of Torah interpretation is compatible with that of all the others.

Furthermore, within each level we repeatedly see the theme of how the particulars are not in contradiction with the whole.

(Chs. 16-17)


The Beginnings Are Wedged In the Ends (Essence of Chassidus #11)

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The most obvious expression of an essence is in its lowest manifestations. Indeed, the Torah which is beyond even the highest of worlds is described as being the remedy for the lowest problems of the lowest world.

(Chs. 18-19)


How to Answer Any Question (PART 1)

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Rabbi Shais Taub is renowned for his sensitive and wise answers to the questions that so many of us are facing. In his column Ask Rabbi Shais Taub in the Ami Magazine as well as his two books The Ami Letters Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 he has shown his tried and true formula for delving to the heart of the matter. Now he wants to teach you how to do the same thing.

Learn skills such as:

How to figure out what someone is really asking
How to validate and encourage even while disagreeing
How to answer the questioner not the question
How to find the solution in the problem


How to Answer Any Question (PART 2)

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Rabbi Shais Taub is renowned for his sensitive and wise answers to the questions that so many of us are facing. In his column Ask Rabbi Shais Taub in the Ami Magazine as well as his two books The Ami Letters Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 he has shown his tried and true formula for delving to the heart of the matter. Now he wants to teach you how to do the same thing.

Learn skills such as:

How to figure out what someone is really asking
How to validate and encourage even while disagreeing
How to answer the questioner not the question
How to find the solution in the problem


How to Work on Yourself (PART 1)

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What is the key to emotional healing? What are common traps that people fall into when trying to better themselves? Where does Yiddishkeit come into the picture? What do you need to know before starting any program of self-improvement?

Whether it is therapy, recovery, or any other approach, there are certain basic principles one needs to know in order to do it successfully and al pi Torah. In this 2-part webinar, Rabbi Taub will answer these questions and much more. Whether you have been working on yourself for years or just now thinking of getting started, this is for you.

Rabbi Shais Taub is well known as a compassionate spiritual guide who provides Torah-based support to people of all walks of life. He will address these essential topics which you will be able to apply to your own growth.


How to Work on Yourself (PART 2)

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What is the key to emotional healing? What are common traps that people fall into when trying to better themselves? Where does Yiddishkeit come into the picture? What do you need to know before starting any program of self-improvement?

Whether it is therapy, recovery, or any other approach, there are certain basic principles one needs to know in order to do it successfully and al pi Torah. In this 2-part webinar, Rabbi Taub will answer these questions and much more. Whether you have been working on yourself for years or just now thinking of getting started, this is for you.

Rabbi Shais Taub is well known as a compassionate spiritual guide who provides Torah-based support to people of all walks of life. He will address these essential topics which you will be able to apply to your own growth.


What Parents Need to Know; A Conversation About Children Who Leave Yiddishkeit (PART 1)

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Part 1 of a two part webinar on the topic of religious parents whose children have chosen a different path.


What Children Need to Know; A Conversation About Children Who Leave Yiddishkeit (PART 2)

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Part 2 of a two part webinar on the topic of religious parents whose children have chosen a different path.


Jacob Ham, PhD: "The Opposite of Trauma is Presence"

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Jacob Ham, PhD talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about topics including "epigenetic" transmission of Holocaust trauma in Jewish families; the effects of childhood neglect on adults; and how the opposite of trauma is learning to live in the present.

Jacob Ham, PhD is Director of the Center for Child Trauma and Resilience in New York and Associate Clinical Professor at the Department of Psychiatry of the Icahn School of Medicine.

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.
