Posts by: Shais Taub

Dr. Kenneth M. Adams: "Addiction as Intimacy Disorder"

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Dr. Kenneth M. Adams talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about topics including addiction as an intimacy disorder; the negative cycle of shame in addiction particularly in religious communities; and how the last "spiritual assignment" of the parent is to allow their adult children to shift loyalties from their family of origin to the family they are building with their spouse.

Dr. Adams is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), a CSAT supervisor, and CSAT training facilitator as well as an EMDR practitioner. Dr. Patrick Carnes, internationally recognized expert on sex addiction, wrote the following in his review of Dr. Adam's first book, Silently Seduced: “Ken Adams, is one of those rare combinations of competence as a writer, clinician, and researcher. This book is developing a loyal readership fast, which is probably because Ken is one of the more astute observers of the connections between shame, abuse, and sex addiction.”

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.


Dr. Reggie Melrose, PhD: "Talking Won't Get Us There"

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Dr. Reggie Melrose, PhD talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about topics including the limits of talk therapy; why people with trauma have a special ability to help others with trauma; and the plight of "sensitive souls" for whom life itself can be traumatic.

Dr. Reggie Melrose, PhD is the best-selling author of The 60 Seconds Fix. She is a well-known international speaker and consultant specializing in the application of current neuroscience to educational practice and parenting. She completed Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE) three-year training program to become an SE Practitioner.

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.


Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW: "The Uniqueness of 'Learning' Trauma"

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Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW, talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about the topic of religious trauma in the observant Jewish community.

Rabbi Shimon Russell is a psychotherapist in private practice in Jerusalem. He holds an MSW from Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work and completed the Clinical externship program at the prestigious Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy in NY.

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.


Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD: "Healing Trauma and the Hope for Redemption"

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Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about topics including what it really means to identify the Jewish community as a "traumatized community;" how children's spirituality and faith are influenced by the kind of relationship they have with their parents; and healing from trauma as a personal and collective redemptive process.

Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Instructor at the Trauma Center, an outpatient clinic and research center founded by Bessel van der Kolk. Known for her expertise as both a therapist and consultant, she is also past president of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, an EMDR International Association Credit Provider, a faculty member of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, and a former Instructor, Harvard Medical School.

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.


Acharei Mos: When Heaven Shuts the Door on You

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What do you do when it seems that even Hashem has given up on you? The question arises based on Rashi's commentary that the future Destruction of the First Temple was already hinted to in the Torah. We examine the paradigmatic story of Elisha ben Avuya seemingly being rejected from doing repentance.

Based on Toras Menachem 5746 vol. 3, pp. 195-6, 208-9.


Emor: Forced Redistribution of Wealth

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When does Torah say that we need to be forced to give? What did the Lubavitcher Rebbe tell a philanthropist's wife about the secret of giving? What is the difference giving that is human and giving that is G-dly?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 17, pp. 255-66.


Bechukosai: Tame Your Inner Beast

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In this week's portion of Bechukosai, the Torah promises us: "And I will remove the wild beast from the land." The Midrash relates an argument between R' Yehudah and R' Shimon as to exactly what this will mean in the times of Moshiach. Will there no longer be wild beasts or will the wild beasts become tame?

How does the Rogatchover Gaon explain this dispute and connect it to the prohibition of chametz on Pesach? How does this give us insight into two approaches to managing the inner conflict with our own wild side? What does the "evolution" of chametz over the 49 days of Sefira teach us about personal transformation?

Likkutei Sichos, vol. 7, pp. 188-197.


Bamidbar: Who Do You Think You're Talking To?

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Every country takes a census. What is unique about the census of the Jewish people is that it is carried out directly by none other than Moshe himself. We see from this that when it comes to anything dealing with the Jewish people, nothing less than the most dignified treatment is called for. This helps us understand the greatness of each individual Jew.

We may also apply this lesson to the task of raising children. What meditation did the Rebbe recommend to a young father to help him be a better parent? Also, the Rebbe describes what a person should think about when he sees a Jewish baby in a stroller.

Based on 28 Iyar 5745 to N'shei Ubnos Chabad, Hisvaaduyos 5745 vol. 4, pp. 2092-5.


Behaaloscha: Who Should Light the Menorah?

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Anyone could light the Menorah in the Temple, even a non-kohen; yet only a kohen could prepare the wicks and oil. What is the deeper meaning of this law and how does it apply to our lives?

Whose responsibility is it to light the fame of Yiddishkeit in the hearts of other Jews?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 2, p. 317.


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School's Out for the Summer—A Mother's Guide

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How can mothers of young children make the best use of the summer and some of the challenges it brings when the children are home?

Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to the inaugural gathering of BRanches, an initiative to unite mothers of Bais Rivkah students.


Shlach: Life is Like a Grape

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Why do we have to know that the mission of the Spies took place "in the days of the ripening of the grapes"? What eternal lesson is there for us? How is life like a grape? Why are the Spies described as "men"? What does this teach us about the differences between men and women in terms of their approach to integrating spirituality with the material world?

Also, how did Kaleiv know that the spies could no longer be trusted just because they answered Moshe's questions out of order?

Based on Hisva'aduyos 5750 vol 3, pp. 342-3.
