Posts by: Shais Taub

Korach: Are You the Kohen Gadol?

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Why did 250 followers of Korach accept a challenge that they knew would lead to their deaths? And why did Moshe tell them that he empathized with their desire?

In preparation for the Rebbe's yahrzeit on 3 Tammuz, we consider the Rebbe's call for every Jew to assume a role of leadership.

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 18, pp. 187-195.


Local Call—The Power of Prayer at the Ohel

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Why do we prayer toward the Land of Israel? What is the advantage of praying a holy place? Are the places other than Israel that also afford us this advantage? Where on earth is heaven considered a "local call"?

Rabbi Taub studies an excerpt from a talk by the Rebbe about the unique advantage of prayer at the resting place of the righteous.

This text-based class took place at Beth Rivkah Seminary in Crown Heights.

Booklet prepared courtesy of Lahak Hanachos.


Chukas: Who Knows the Real You?

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The Torah portion of Chukas describes the passing of Aharon and how his loss was greatly mourned by the Jewish people. Why was Aharon so universally beloved? And what can we learn from this about our own hidden potential?

Based on Sichos Kodesh 5741, vol. 4, pp. 439-440.


17 Tammuz—To Transform the Breaking of the Wall

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The Babylonian Talmud says that the walls of Jerusalem were broken by the Babylonians on 9 Tammuz while the Jerusalem Talmud says it happened on 17 Tammuz. How do we reconcile these two accounts?

What is the "Butterfly Effect" or the "Alternate Timeline Theory"? Is there a concept in Torah that historical events have the potential to go in two very different directions?

How should we view seemingly negative events in our lives?

Based on Sichos Kodesh 5741, vol. 4, pp. 175-7.


Pinchas: Has Materialism Stolen Our Soul?

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The worship of Ba'al Peor was considered loathsome even by pagans. How were so many Jews in the wilderness attracted to it?

The truth is that the core belief of Ba'al worship is very much alive and prevalent today in the worldview known as materialism.

How do we combat this popular ideology that reduces all reality to physical things? How do we bring an appreciation for spirituality back to this world?

Based on Reshimos #50.


Tefilin—Tying the Knot With Hashem

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The Rebbe's tefilin campaign began in 1967 on the eve of the Six Day War as a manner of invoking merit and Divine protection for the Jewish people. It quickly became apparent that it was also much more than that. What is the unique and enduring significance of the tefilin campaign?

Ninth in a series of classes on the mitzvah campaigns ("Mivtzaim") of the Rebbe and part of the "Every Home a Sanctuary" initiative at Chabad of the Five Towns. Dedicated in memory of Dina Leah Rosenzweig OB"M.


Masei: Smashing the Modern Day Idols

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In this week's Haftarah, the prophet Yirmiyahu rebukes his people: "They say to the wood, 'You are my father,' and to the stone, 'You gave birth to me.'" What are the "stone" and "wood" of our day? How do we identify and rectify the idol worship in our own lives?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 17, p. 145.


Devarim: Should We Demand Moshiach?

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In this week's portion, Moshe blesses the people "May you be multiplied one thousand-fold and may G-d do for you that which He said about you." What are these two blessings? And why is the second one so vague?

Hear the strange story of when the Baal Shem Tov and his students bankrupted a poor man by literally eating him out of house and home. What does this teach us about the need to pray? And how is this connected to the Alshich's explanation of Mother Rochel's tears? Why do we need to cry out to Hashem for Moshiach?

Based on Hiva'aduyos, vol. 34, p. 209.


What Your Teen Really Needs from You

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Rabbi Shais Taub at the Evergreen Estates Women's Day of Learning addresses the topic of what our teens really need most from us today.


Moshiach—Let's Finish the Job

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In our day, Moshiach must be much more than an abstract belief. We must begin to live with an awareness of Moshiach's imminent arrival.

Tenth in a series of classes on the mitzvah campaigns ("Mivtzaim") of the Rebbe and part of the "Every Home a Sanctuary" initiative at Chabad of the Five Towns. Dedicated in memory of Dina Leah Rosenzweig OB"M.


Va'eschanan: Mind Control, Heart Control

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The Torah describes the mitzvah of the arm Tefilin as an action ("you shall bind them... on your arm") whereas the mitzvah of the head Tefilin is described as a state of being ("they should be... on your head.") What is the legal and mystical distinction between these two expressions? What does it teach us about the difference between the mind and the heart?

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 39, pp. 22-29.


Eikev: What's a Brain Without Feet?

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Understanding the relationship between a leader and his people from the fact that Moshe was blamed for the sin of the Golden Calf although he was not present when it happened.

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 21, p. 175.
