Posts by: Shais Taub

Letter 8- Youth Should Not Think About Earning a Living

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The Rebbe expresses pain about young people who are overly fixated on how they will make a living in the future.


Letter 9- Should Unpaid Teachers Strike?

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The Rebbe writes to a teachers' union warning them about the irrevocable harm that can be caused by a teachers' strike.


Letter 10- Encouraging Others to Write to the Rebbe

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The Rebbe asks someone who deals with Israeli soldiers if he can encourage them to correspond with him.


Letter 11- Education Outside of the Classroom

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The Rebbe writes to a mashgiach in the Toras Emes yeshiva in Jerusalem about the importance of educating students beyond their academic studies.


Letters 12- Positive Epigenetics

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The Rebbe writes to a group of young women and protests the self-deprecating manner in which they describe themselves.


Letter 13- To Someone Who Says They Have No "Mazal"

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In the second letter of a double class (see previous episode), the Rebbe disagrees with a mother who claims to have no "mazal" in life at all. The Rebbe's proofs are taken straight from the woman's own letter.


Letter 14- Memories that Lead to Action

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The Rebbe writes to his relative Mrs. Devorah Leah Horenstein that nostalgia and memories must bring to practical action.


Letter 15- Encouragement for a Teacher of Young Women

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The Rebbe addresses a woman's doubts about her ability to teach her young students.


Blood Brothers V

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Live from SoulWords studios, a special live edition of the Taub Brothers speaking about all kinds of interesting stuff including: the lost continent of Atlantis, the color eigengrau, the four states of matter, the etymology of the word "quintessence," and whether Mah Nishtanah can be read as a rhetorical question.

As they say at Blood Brothers live, "Anything can happen, and it probably WILL!"


Letter 16- Healthy in Soul & Body

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The Rebbe writes to a father about the efficacy of removing his son from his present school for health reasons.


Letter 17- Treat Your Spiritual Activities Like a Business

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The Rebbe responds to someone who wants to know how to get started carrying out Chabad outreach activities.


Blood Brothers VI

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Live from SoulWords studios, a special live edition of the Taub Brothers speaking about all kinds of interesting stuff including: ventriloquists, McCarthyism, aliens, paganism, and springtime.

As they say at Blood Brothers live, "Anything can happen, and it probably WILL!"
