Posts by: Shais Taub

Letter 18- Suggested Program for a Women's Gathering

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The Rebbe outlines the program for a women's gathering to honor 10 Shvat, the yahrzeit of the Previous Rebbe.


Letter 19- How to Receive the Rebbe's Blessing

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The Rebbe explains what it requires for the blessings of a Rebbe to be effective. Just as rain only makes things grow after plowing and planting, so must the recipient of a blessing make adequate preparations for the blessing to take hold.


Letter 20- In Response to a Tragedy

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The Rebbe speaks to those who were affected by a shocking tragedy and explains to them why they should not leave the place where it happened. (This letter was written following a terrorist attack in the village of Kfar Chabad. Israel.)


Letter 21- A Plea for Good News

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The Rebbe explains why it's so important to make a personal habit of writing to the Rebbe with good news.


Letter 22- The Power of Accountability

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The Rebbe explains why writing often to report one's activities will bring out hidden potentials and abilities that would otherwise lie dormant.


Letter 23- Anxiety About a Career

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The Rebbe writes to a father about his son who is extremely preoccupied with concerns of how he will make a living.


Pesach—Spiritual Spring Cleaning

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The Jewish people never managed to leave Egypt; they had to be removed by Hashem. From the story of the Exodus we can learn what it means to be stuck in a situation from which we cannot extricate ourselves and how to allow Hashem to do for us what we cannot.


Letter 24-To Parents Who Are Worried About Their Adult Son

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The Rebbe guides parents whose adult son has strayed from the path of Jewish observance.


Letter 25- Even Greater Than Charity

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The Rebbe writes to the Shomrei Shabbos Free Loan Society on the occasion of their yearly dinner and explains the unique spiritual greatness of the mitzvah of giving a loan. In memory of R' Yochanon Gordon and R' Shimon Goldman. Dedicated by their Families.


Letter 26- It's the Little Things

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The Rebbe writes to a teacher about the importance of focusing on the small, everyday details that ultimately make the biggest difference in a child's life.


Letter 27- A Beard Can Only Bring Blessings

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The Rebbe writes to a father and husband who says that he was rejected from a job opportunity because of his beard.


Letter 28- Remember This Next Time You Feel Overwhelmed

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The Rebbe writes to someone who has experienced the favorable resolution of a problem regarding which they have written to the Rebbe in the past.
