Posts by: Shais Taub

Letter 29- Education is Our Future

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This letter, written to R' Chaim Zalman ("Chazak") Kramer of the illustrious Kramer family of early Chabad supporters in America, underscores the importance of education as the future of the Jewish people.


Letter 30/ 11 Nissan Farbrengen

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The final letter of the 30 Letters in 30 Days series is learned at a special farbrengen at the Ohel.


Pesach and Parenting

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How are each of the "Four Sons" from the Passover Seder really an only child? Learn how to see the Oneness in your children's souls. For more information about Rabbi Taub's upcoming parenting course go to


What Your Teen REALLY Needs from You

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What do teenagers need from their parents in order to grow up to be strong and successful adults? How can we give selflessly to our teenaged children?


Pesach Sheini—Why Do Jews World Wide Visit The Rebbe's Burial Place

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Following an uplifting Shabbos in Crown Heights, a diverse groups of Jews from all over the world visited the Ohel, the resting place of the Rebbe. The day of their visit happened to be the holiday of Pesach Sheini which celebrates second chances. Rabbi Shais Taub explains to them the significance of their trip to the Ohel on this auspicious day.


When Moshiach Comes, the Whole World Will Be Like Camp

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Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to a gathering of head staff of Lubavitcher summer camps to inspire them for the summer ahead. Based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe from 20 Av 5743, it is explained how the purpose of camp is to experience "taanug" (pleasure) in one's Judaism and that this is an even higher level than the education one receives the rest of the year in yeshiva.


The Rebbe's Life & the History of Aviation

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At a celebration of the Rebbe's 120th birthday hosted by Chabad of Long Island at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, Rabbi Shais Taub tells the story of the Rebbe's life and leadership as a narrative that parallels developments in human flight.


Lesson 1—Text Based Tanya

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First class of the new series. We begin with the title page of Tanya.


Lesson 2—Text Based Tanya

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We begin the Compiler's Introduction. How is this book different from other books?


Lesson 3—Text Based Tanya

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Finishing the Compiler's Introduction.


Lesson 4—Text Based Tanya

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Starting Chapter 1 of Tanya, asking questions about the categories of Tzaddik, Rasha, and Beinoni.


Lesson 5—Text Based Tanya

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Finishing Chapter 1. We learn about the doctrine of the "two souls."
