Posts by: Shais Taub

Lesson 18—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 10 concludes with a discussion of the "men of ascent"—another way of describing the unique personality of the complete tzaddik.


Lesson 19—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 11 deals with the very wide spectrum of personalities encompassed by the tern "rasha v'tov lo." We also contrast this level with that of the "rasha v'ra lo" who is incapable of remorse.


Lesson 20—Text Based Tanya

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We begin chapter 12 of Tanya which discusses the Beinoni. What is it that distinguishes a Beinioni from both a Tzaddik and a Rasha?


Lesson 21—Text Based Tanya

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We conclude chapter 12 of Tanya, continuing to describe the dichotomy that is the Beinoni.


Lesson 22—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Chapter 13 of Tanya which discusses the internal struggle of the Beinoni.


Lesson 23—Text Based Tanya

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We conclude Chapter 13 of Tanya which discusses the internal struggle of the Beinoni.


Lesson 24—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 14 of Tanya. We discuss the internal state of the Beinoni and the monologue that we can recite to ourselves to motivate ourselves to choose the right behaviors even when we feel conflicted.


Lesson 25—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 14, we discuss the double language of the oath first mentioned in Ch. 1.


Lesson 26—Text Based Tanya

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In Chapter 15 we learn about two distinct levels of Beinoni and the inherent value of struggle.


Lesson 27—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 16 describes the "tevunos" or quasi-emotional appreciations of Hashem felt by the Beinoni through meditation.


Lesson 28—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 17 continues describing the purpose of meditation as producing emotions. It explains the meaning of the verse from the title page "This matter is very close to you..." and how that can be true even though it seems to go against our personal experience.


Lesson 29—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 18 begins a description of another method for achieving emotional congruence with Torah behaviors.
