Posts by: Shais Taub

42 Action

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(chs. 35-37)


43 Intent

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(chs. 38-40)


44 Awe and Love

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(chs. 41-50)


45 Shine Your Light

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(chs. 51-53)


Rebbe Letters: Speaking to Children About the Rebbe

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Lesson 31—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 20 of Tanya describes the relative non-existence of created reality by way of a metaphor of speech.


Lesson 32—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 21 of Tanya continues to discuss the metaphor of speech as a way of understanding how creation is one with the Creator.


Lesson 33—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 22 of Tanya explains that idolatry is really just the belief that anything can exist outside of Hashem.


The Rebbe and the Infinite Value of the Individual

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Chabad centers from eastern and central Massachusetts gather for a special evening of tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe in honor of his yahrzeit on 3 Tammuz. Rabbi Shais Taub speaks about the Rebbe's vision for healing the world through uplifting the individual.


Special Guest R' Bentzi Sudak (Blood Brothers VII)

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On this episode, brothers Shais and Dovid Taub welcome a special guest, their old friend Rabbi Bentzi Sudak from London, UK who was getting ready for his son's bar mitzvah and needed help figuring out some stuff about the mystical bar mitzvah discourse about the meaning of Tefilin. And also the Rubik's cube.


Lesson 34—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Chapter 23 of Tanya which describes the levels of oneness with G-d achieved through Torah study and the performance of mitzvos.


Lesson 35—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Chapter 23 of Tanya which describes the levels of oneness with G-d achieved through Torah study and the performance of mitzvos.
