Posts by: Shais Taub

Lesson 41—Text Based Tanya

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How do we remain joyous even when beset by painful feelings of guilt? Why is guilt so dangerous? What is the productive response when it arises? Concluding Chapter 26.


Make Rosh Hashanah Services More Interesting | Cantorial Accompaniment

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Prepare for Rosh Hashanah prayers with insights about some of the highlights of the services. Cantorial accompaniment provided by Chazan Mendy Herz.


Preparing for Yom Kippur Services

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Highlights from the Yom Kippur prayers are explained along with cantorial accompaniment from Chazan Mendy Herz.


Lesson 42—Text Based Tanya

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Beginning Chapter 27. We discuss the negative repercussions of shame and how to overcome feelings of moral self-condemnation.


Haazinu: Think Like the Heavens, Act Like the Earth

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The "heavens" and the "earth" in our lives are Torah and mitzvos. Torah is checking in with heavenly truth and mitzvos is applying that here on earth. When Moshiach comes, the world will be completely refined and we will be close to the earth in the most ideal way. (Based on Likkutei Sichos Vol. 9, pp. 204-214.)


Sukkos and Clouds

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We sit in the sukkah to commemorate the clouds that Hashem protected us with when we left Egypt. What does the High Holiday season have to do with clouds? Water, representing our physicality, evaporates in the sunlight of spirituality until it becomes a refined mist. Then we start the cycle all over again on a higher level with the Prayer for Rain on Shemini Atzeres. (Based on 4th Night of Sukkos 5750 in Hisva'aduyos 5750 vol. 1 pp. 163-4.)


Shabbos Sukkos and Militant Judaism

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The victory over all external enemies in the time of Moshiach will reflect the victory over all internal challenges achieved through the process of self-refinement culminated on Sukkos. (Based on sichos of Sukkos 5724 in Sichos Kodesh pp. 13-14.)


Simchas Torah and Hashem's Kindness

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Our Sages tell us that Torah begins and ends with kindness. What do these two acts of kindness teach us about when to turn to Hashem for kindness? And what parallel does this have with our journey through the High Holiday season? (Based on Igros Kodesh, vol. 2, Letter #169.)


Bereishis: The First Three Verses of Torah

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How the first three verses of Torah may be read as the story of each of our lives. (Based on an article from HaKria V'HaKedusha.) In observance of the 2nd yahrzeit of R' Shneur Hirsch a"h.


A "Walking Farbrengen" | PREMIER EPISODE

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Premier episode of a new series (with Hashem's help) of Rabbi Taub and his friend Avi walking around Five Towns talking about stuff. Exercise for the mind, body, and soul.

On this walk, we discuss the synagogue of Holocaust survivors that was magically transformed once a year by special visitors, Rabbi Taub's first public speaking gig, the importance of going beyond our limits, and how the spiritual and material are both one.


Lesson 43—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing chapter 27, we discuss more of the positive contributions of the person who struggles with internal immoral impulses.


Noach: Torah Study as Self-Care

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The Jewish people have always turned to the words of Torah for comfort and strength. What important lesson does the story of Noah's Ark teaching us about the need to immerse ourselves in the holy words of Torah?
