Posts by: Shais Taub

Noach: Looking for Signs of Moshiach

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From the fact that Noah looked for signs that the flood was over we learn the importance of looking for signs of Moshiach's arrival. (Based on a sicha from 10 Tammuz 5745.)


Another Walking Farbrengen

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Rabbi Taub and Avi are joined by Cantor Mendy Herz on this walk where they discuss October 31, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's visit to the Satmar Rebbe, the spiritual symbolism of walking, online antisemitism vs. online philosemitism, and other topics all on a 1.4 mile walk.


Lesson 44—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 27, we discuss the power of exerting self-mastery even over matters that are perfectly permissible.


Lech Lecha: Is Serving G-d Supposed to Make Your Life Better?

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The story of Avraham's travels in the Torah reading of Lech Lecha leads to a discussion about whether doing G-d's will is supposed to actually make our lives better.


Lech Lecha: Self-Discovery Through Service to Others

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There is no real contradiction between personal growth and being an activist who helps others. The way that we discover our inner talents is by going out into the world and dealing with other people. (Based on Sefer HaSichos 5749 p. 47.)


Lesson 45—Text Based Tanya

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In Chapter 28, we discuss what to do if we cannot concentrate during prayer because of distracting thoughts.


Vayeira: Does It Matter What They Think of Us?

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Should we be concerned when high profile celebrities spread anti-Jewish hatred? The answer is contained in this week's Torah portion of Vayeira.


Vayeira: No Pain, No Gain

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Part of the impact that a mitzvah has on the world is related to the physical effort that it requires us to expend. Avraham's healing process after his circumcision was thus essential to his bris milah having the fullest possible effect. (Based on Likkutei Sichos Vol. 5, p. 82.)


Lesson 46—Text Based Tanya

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This week, we begin Chapter 29 which addresses the serious issue of spiritual apathy. What are the underlying causes for this condition and how is it remedied?


Chayei Sarah: Maslow Vs Frankl

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Which is more essential to life: material security or spiritual clarity? Looking at the first Jewish home, our mother Sarah's tent, we can answer this question and also settle an ideological debate between two great 20th century Jewish psychologists, Abraham Maslow and Viktor Frankl.


Toldos: It's Just Clothes

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When Yakov received the blessings from his father Yitzchak he was dressed like his wicked brother Eisav. Why was it important to be blessed while wearing such a costume?


Vayetze: Can You Ever Please a Narcissist?

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How did our patriarch Yaakov finally separate himself from his abusive father-in-law Lavan? What can we learn from this story about how to deal with people whose fragile egos feel assaulted by our very existence?

Based on Hasvaaduyos 10 Kislev, Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei 5746 pp. 655-656 and 664-666.
