Posts by: Shais Taub

Lesson 47—Text Based Tanya

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Not for the faint of heart. Continuing Ch 29, we get into the details of the self-administered process for smashing the ego.


Lesson 48—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 29 of Tanya, we explain the underlying mechanics of why removing the complacency of the ego automatically leads to an influx of faith. Also, we discuss this generation's need for alternative, gentler methods for ego reduction.


Lesson 49—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 30 of Tanya begins by citing the teaching of our Sages to be humble before all people. But how can we legitimately feel humility before everyone, even those who are extremely morally weak?


Beyond Positive Thinking: Live Hakhel Bitachon Event

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How can Bitachon (trust in G-d) make a practical difference in our lives? And how do we move into the headspace and heartspace of total reliance on G-d that brings about these results? Rabbi Shais Taub discusses some of the groundbreaking ideas presented in a published talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36, p. 1) that explains how "think good, it will be good" really works.

Followed by live Q&A.

**לזכות העניא בת ברכה דבורה לאה**


Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part I

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Deeper meaning and practical takeaways from the chasidic discourse Lcha Dodi which describes the spiritual dynamics of marriage. In partnership with


Vayishlach: Speak Their Language

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Why did Yaakov behave so obsequiously toward Eisav at their reunion when he was supposed to have been guaranteed to be a master over his brother? We learn from the Alter Rebbe in prison that our objective is not destruction of the opposition but to refine it and win it over to our side. (Based on Likkutei Shichos vol. 15, pp. 298-301.)


Chanukah— Spiritual Secrets of the Dreidel

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Discover the deep meaning hidden behind this deceptively simple child's game. Find out how the Chanukah toy known as the dreidel contains within it symbolism about the nature of existence and the ultimate destiny of the Jewish people.


Not Just Talk, We Need Experiences

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Why did the Jewish people gather once in seven years at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and how is this idea still relevant today? Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to a Hakhel gathering in London, UK about the significance of Hakhel gatherings and the necessity of having embodied experiences of Judaism.


19 Kislev Farbrengen | Crown Heights 5783

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Live from Crown Heights, celebrate the Rosh HaShanah l'Chasidus with Rabbi Shais Taub.


Vayeshev: The Greatest Reward

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What is the most appropriate reward for a good deed? The opportunity to more good deeds! (Based on Sichos Kodesh 5734, vol. 1, p. 212.)


Lesson 50—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing Ch. 30 in which we are charged with humbling ourselves before all, even the wanton sinners. Is our struggle as intense as theirs or are we coasting?


Mikeitz: Pharaoh and Chanukah Gelt

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The dreams of Pharaoh and of Yosef teach us about why the Maccabees fought the Greeks.
