Posts by: Shais Taub

Jewish Unity in Honor of 19 Kislev in Lakewood

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The inner dimension of the Torah reveals how the Jewish people are united as a single, inseparable entity. We must express this unity in every way possible in our day to day lives.

This is an excerpt from a longer Farbrengen.

*לזכות העניא בת ברכה דבורה לאה*


Lesson 51—Text Based Tanya

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Beginning Ch. 31, we address the burning question that now arises: what if the methods of unflinching personal stocktaking outlined in the previous chapters bring on a negative emotional state? If we established in Ch. 26 that joy is essential, how could we employ methods that may cause us to feel bad?


Lesson 52—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 31, we discuss the role of healthy frustration with the body and taking joy in the delight of the soul.


Vayigash: A Father's Parting Words

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Just before they were separated for twenty-two years, Yaakov shared a final message with his son Yosef. How did these words keep Yosef alive through all of his trials and travails? What message would you want to be your last to your child?


Vayigash: "I Love a Yid"

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Okay, this week's 2-minute Torah thought is a little bit on the cute side. Please forgive me.


Spiritual Tools to Counter Anxiety

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Are we stressed because of the stories we tell ourselves or do we tell ourselves stories because we are stressed. King Solomon's wisdom provides us with two powerful spiritual tools for ridding ourselves of these personal "mythologies" that we use to explain our suffering.


Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part II

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A further discussion of the spiritual paradigms of masculine and feminine. In this follow up episode we focus specifically on applications in the area of marital intimacy.


Vayechi: Are You a Fish?

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Yaakov blessed the sons of Yosef to "prosper like fish" which is explained to mean that they should be protected from the evil eye. What about being "fish-like" protects us from being damaged by the jealousy of others? (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 25, pp. 11-12.)


Lesson 53—Text Based Tanya

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Find out why Chapter 32 is the "heart of Tanya." How does the identity shift outlined in Chapter 31 lead to a radical change in our relationships with others.


Lesson 54—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 32 -the HEART of TANYA- we discuss how to love even those people who behave in ways that are objectively hateful.


When It's Stressful Just to Exist

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There are many reasons why some of us feel perpetually anxious. In this second lecture in a series on Emunah & Anxiety, Rabbi Shais Taub addresses some of the underlying conditions that can place an extra burden on our allostatic load. He uses the expression "spiritual canaries" to describe people for whom life itself can be incredibly stressful.


Shmos: How to Not Be Consumed by the Fire

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What is the symbolism of the burning bush? Here is one explanation from a maamar of the Frierdiker Rebbe. It's talking about two opposite fires: the passion of the righteous for G-d and the passion of the wicked for earthly pleasures. The Torah is the solution for how to survive both of these.
