Posts by: Shais Taub

Beshalach: Say It In Your Own Language

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Spreading the inner secrets of the Torah will bring Moshiach. But you need to "translate" these ideas into relevant language.


Lesson 58—Text Based Tanya

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Beginning Ch. 35, we know focus on a new theme. What is the purpose of life? What is the point of the beinoni's struggle?


Tu B'Shvat— Seven Biblical Trees

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Class in honor of the Jewish New Year for Trees delves into seven biblical trees and what we can learn from them. The Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life, the olive tree discovered by the dove after the flood, the grape vine brought by the spies, and the date palm and the cedar of Tehilim (Psalms.)


Yisro: Be a Real Friend

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The 620 letters of the Ten Commandments contain the secret to being G-d’s friend.


Lesson 59—Text Based Tanya

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Please give to our yearly campaign! If you enjoy these Tanya classes, use this special link: In this class, we finish Ch. 35 and the discussion of the primary importance of action over emotion.


Lesson 60—Text Based Tanya

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Beginning of Chapter 36. The ultimate purpose for the creation of all worlds takes place on earth, not in heaven.


Terumah: Self-Esteem is Like a Unicorn

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What are the real causes of shame and self-consciousness and what can be done to overcome them? The answer lies in understanding the mysterious "tachash" animal (sometimes translated as a unicorn) whose colorful skins were used to decorate the sanctuary in the wilderness.


Terumah: How to Receive a Donation

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Hashem wants there to be chesed in the world. In order for that to happen, someone’s gotta give and someone’s gotta receive. Here’s what to think about when you’re the one receiving.


Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part III

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Rabbi Taub responds to viewer’s questions about how to navigate the marital relationship In keeping with the mashpia/mekabel roles. NOTE: Viewers are advised to watch Parts 1 and 2 before delving into this Question & Answer session.


Lesson 61—Text Based Tanya

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In Ch. 36 of Tanya we continue to impress upon the beinoni why physical action is so important by explaining that the whole purpose of creation lies within the physical.


Tetzaveh: The Broken Breastplate

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The Choshen (breastplate) of the High Priest did not function properly in the 2nd Temple. How is this a metaphor for Exile? (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 11, pp. 137-138.)


How the Baal Shem Tov Taught Love

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A letter to the chapters of N'she U'Bnos Chabad (Chabad Women's Organization) highlights the importance of ahavas Yisrael and relates a story of the Baal Shem Tov to help explain the love that we must have for our fellow Jew.
