Posts by: Shais Taub

Encouragement for an Educator

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The Rebbe encourages a young educator, Rabbi Yosef Marton, to throw himself enthusiastically into his holy work as well as advising him on how not to be dissuaded by the naysayers.


Teshuvah With Joy

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Joy is one of the most important ways of serving Hashem. The need to do teshuvah to repair past wrongs is no exception, for even that must be done joyfully.


Overcoming Fears About Learning Chasidus

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In response to someone who says that he is afraid to identify as Chabad because he does not want to have to learn chasidus, the Rebbe gives several reasons why the letter writer should reconsider his apprehension.


The Need to Use One's Talents & Influence

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The Rebbe writes to Louis Finkelstein of the Jewish Theological Seminary about the need for every individual to fully use their G-d-given potentials to have a positive effect on the world and, in his specific case, to use his influence to introduce more practical observance of mitzvos among his movement.


Letter A: A Rabbi Doesn't Quit / Letter B: Bring People to the Rebbe

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Two letters are learned in this class. First, the Rebbe responds to a rabbi who has chosen to leave his congregation and explains to him that one is not allowed to merely do what is best for oneself while neglecting the community. In the second letter, the Rebbe speaks about the importance of telling every Jew you meet, without exception, about the importance of going to the Ohel.


Ki Sisa: Direct Access

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How is it possible that so many people were enticed to worship the Golden Calf? And more importantly, how did all of the women successfully resist?


How to Reach the Youth

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The Rebbe writes to an Israeli judge about the secret to reaching the younger generation in Israel. Even when Jews have been uprooted from their tradition, the connection to Judaism is still present inside of their souls.


Don't Compromise Kashrus of Children's Food

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The Rebbe writes to a mother about her dilemma over whether to give her children food that may not be up to her usual standards of kashrus.


Gratitude Increases Your Blessings

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The Rebbe responds to a woman who says that her life has never been good and she therefore expects that it will never be good.


Pekudei: You Can Fake Caring But You Can't Fake Showing Up

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In this week's portion, Moshe makes a financial audit of the charitable contributions made toward the building of the sanctuary in the desert. Why does Rashi say that Moshe counted "the weight" of the donations made by the people and not the value?

To answer this question, we must answer another question: What is the value of a mitzvah that is performed without feeling?


A Yeshiva Student's Guide to Identifying the Yetzer Hara

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A newly observant yeshiva student complains that his current yeshiva is not living up to his expectations and says he wants to leave. The Rebbe gives him another way of looking at things.


Lesson 62—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Chapter 37 of Tanya in which we begin to describe the precise mechanics whereby our mitzvos transform the physical world into a dwelling place for Hashem.
