Posts by: Shais Taub

The Meaning of Pesach

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In a public letter to all Jews everywhere, the Rebbe explains one of the messages of Pesach: in a short amount of time one can experience a radical transformation from one extreme to the other.


To a Young Woman Seeking Friendship

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The Rebbe gives advice to a young woman who finds it difficult to make friends in her new seminary.


Lesson 64—Text Based Tanya

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We conclude Ch. 37 and our discussion of the importance of physical action as the means for transforming the physical world into a home for Hashem.


Committing to Grow a Beard

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The Rebbe encourages a father who has recently committed to grow a beard and advises him not to be intimidated by scoffers.


Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts

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The Rebbe gives advice to a mother who experiences pervasive, unwanted thoughts about calamity and disaster.


Pesach—Seder Insights

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Listen to this class while you clean for Pesach and enhance your Seder. Rabbi Shais Taub shares short, mystical insights on passages from the Passover Haggadah that you can share with your friends and family.


Why Do Others Have It Easier?

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The Rebbe gives a new perspective to a young man who complains that his peers who are not religious seem to be more successful in life than him.


Letter A: Taking a Financial Leap of Faith / Letter B: Moshe & Moshiach

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Tzav: When to Take Out the Ashes

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What should our attitude toward mundane activities be? How do we prioritize between spiritual affairs and practical concerns?


Yeshiva Is the Best Preparation for Life

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The Rebbe tells a young man who has begun to study full time in yeshiva that dedicating a period of one's life exclusively to Torah study is the best preparation for a successful life.


Advice for an Extreme Introvert

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The Rebbe responds to a woman with a severe aversion to social situations and explains to her that every person, without exception, can only function properly within the society of other human beings.


Lesson 65—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Ch. 38 and our discussion of the importance of kavanah in performing mitzvos.
