Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 1 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Beginning our daily study of the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvos.


Day 2 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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The first three of the Rambam's 14 methods for determining the 613 Biblical Mitzvos.


Lesson 66—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 38, we discuss the two levels of kavanah (intent) that may accompany a mitzvah. One level is referred to as "human" while the other is called "animal."


Day 3 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Principles 4-9 for determining the 613 Biblical Mitzvos.


Kedoshim: Why You Need to Know That You're Holy

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The Torah reading of Kedoshim begins: "You shall be holy because I, the L-rd your G-d, am holy." Why is this single statement considered to be the foundation of mitzvah observance?


Day 4 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Principles 10-14 used by the Rambam for determining the 613 Mitzvos.


Day 5 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 5: Positive Commandment 1; Negative Commandment 1; Positive Commandment 2


Day 6 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 6: Positive Commandment 3, 4, 9


Day 7 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 7: Negative Commandment 63, 65; Positive Commandment 172


Day 8 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 8: Negative Commandment 64; Positive Commandment 8, 6, 206


Day 9 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 9: Positive Commandment 207; Negative Commandment 302; Positive Commandment 205; Negative Commandment 303


Lesson 67—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Ch. 39 in which we continue our discussion about the different levels of kavanah (intent.) What is the difference between instinctive and intellectual emotions?
