Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 220 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 220: Positive Commandment 97


Day 221 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 221: Positive Commandment 105


Day 222 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 222: Positive Commandment 105


Ner Chanukah: Class 2—Why Defile the Oil?

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Our connection to the mitzvos--even those that have reasons that we can understand--is ultimately suprarational. It is this level of devotion to Hashem's will that the Hellenists sought to eradicate as symbolized by their purposely defiling the oil in the Temple.

Chapters 4-6 of the maamar Tanu Rabanan Mitzvas Ner Chanukah 5738.


Day 223 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 223: Positive Commandment 105


Day 224 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 224: Positive Commandment 98


Day 225 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 225: Positive Commandment 98


Day 226 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 226: Positive Commandment 98


Day 227 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 227: Positive Commandment 98


Embracing Your Child's Differences

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Neurodivergent children (such as those with ASD, ADHD, and others) carry a unique light that is often unrecognized which can lead to pain and isolation. It is up to parents to help their children discover and embrace that which makes them special and help them to shine their light.

Emphasizing Carl Jung's insight "the greatest burden on a child is the unlived life of the parent," Rabbi Taub retells the Biblical story of Leah and her daughter Dinah as a case study of the effects that a parent's unfulfilled destiny has on a child.

Recorded live on 19 Kislev at Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach


Day 228 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 228: Positive Commandment 98


Day 229 (Daily Sefer Hamitvos)

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Day 229: Positive Commandment 98
