Posts by: Shais Taub

Ner Chanukah: Class 3—Turn Darkness into Light

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Chapters 7-10 of the maamar explain the role of the soul's essence in the alignment and integration of all soul levels as well as its ability to transform darkness into light.


Day 230 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 230: Positive Commandment 107


Chanukah (Blood Brothers VIII)

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The Blood Brothers talk about miracle oil, saving lives, googly eyes, Chinese accident victims, flying to Martha's Vineyard with Alan Dershowitz, and lots of other stuff in this latest edition to their podcast.


Day 231 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 231: Positive Commandment 108


Day 232 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 232: Positive Commandment 101


Day 233 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 233: Positive Commandment 99


Day 234 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 234: Positive Commandment 100


Day 235 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 235: Positive Commandment 106


Attract the People Who Really Like You (Online and in Real Life)

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This advice is so simple it hardly deserves to be considered a life hack except for the fact that the vast majority of people will not be willing to do it. It's the difference between exhausting yourself trying to gain acceptance and being appreciated for who you truly are.


Day 236 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 236: Positive Commandment 104


Christopher Hitchen's Prediction About the Future of Faith

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Christopher Hitchens once formulated a compelling argument that widespread atheism was an inevitability. It helped me better understand my faith.


Day 237 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 237: Positive Commandment 96
