Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 238 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 238: Positive Commandment 109


Day 239 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 239: Positive Commandment 109


Day 240 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 240: Positive Commandment 109


Day 241 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 241: Positive Commandment 109


A Guided Tanya Meditation

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A basic introduction to "hisbonenus," a Chabad chasidic meditative practice. The particular meditation that Rabbi Taub guides the class through is taken from Chapter 41 of Tanya and is a meditation specifically designed to foster feelings of awe of G-d.


Day 242 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 242: Positive Commandment 109, 237


Basi Legani 5744: Class 1—Hashem's Home in the Physical World

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Text-based study of the Rebbe's yearly 10 Shvat "Basi LeGani" maamar recited on the anniversary of the passing of his father-in-law and predecessor. The maamar from the year 5744 (1984) corresponds to the present year 5784 (2024.)

This class covers Chapters 1-2 of the maamar.


Day 243 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 243: Positive Commandment 240


Time to Get Real with Parenting

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In this keynote address at the Kesher Nafshi shabbaton, Rabbi Shais Taub challenges the premise of "crisis chinuch" and argues that parents need to tap into not only the unconditional love but "unconditional pride" in every child. Rabbi Taub also discusses the importance of vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity in our families and community.


Day 244 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 244: Positive Commandment 238


Day 245 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 245: Positive Commandment 241


Day 246 (Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 246: Positive Commandment 241
