Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 256(Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 256: Positive Commandment 236


Day 257(Daily Sefer Hamitzvos)

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Day 257: Positive Commandment 236


Day 258 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 258: Positive Commandment 236; Negative Commandment 289, 295


Day 259 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 259: Positive Commandment 225; Negative Commandment 296, 292


Day 260 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 260: Positive Commandment 247; Negative Commandment 293, 297; Positive Commandment 182


Basi Legani 5744: Class 3—Divine Speech Creates the World

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Having previously discussed the Divine creative energies known as ohr (light), chayus (life), and koach (power), we now introduce the category of shem (name) which refers to the idea that Hashem "speaks" the world into being.

Chapter 5 of Basi LeGani 5744.


Day 261 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 261: Positive Commandment 181; Negative Commandment 309, 298; Positive Commandment 184


Ahavas Olam Meditation

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A meditation for generating a powerful love of G-d by redirecting feelings of love we already have for things of this world. This level of love is described in Ch. 43 of Tanya as "ahavas olam" (a love derived from the world.)


Day 262 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 262: Negative Commandment 299; Positive Commandment 202, 203; Negative Commandment 270


Soulful Solutions (Part 1)

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A spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth:

1. What is the actual reason why one should not repeat someone else's ideas without attribution?
2. Why is it preferred to slaughter an animal on Shabbos to feed a sick person even if non-kosher meat is available?
3. Why are we forbidden from turning over an individual to be killed in order to save a group?


Day 263 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 263: Positive Commandment 245


Basi Legani 5744: Class 4—Divine Essence Hidden in the World

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The Divine energy that is referred to as "shem" (name) is hidden more deeply in creation than other kinds of Divine energy, however, it also reveals a deeper level of Divinity. The most deeply hidden G-dliness is closer to the actual Essence of the Creator than forms of creative energy that are more revealed.

Chapters 6-7 of the discourse.
