Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 264 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 264: Positive Commandment 245


Day 265 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 265: Negative Commandment 250


Day 266 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 266: Negative Commandment 250


Day 267 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 267: Negative Commandment 251


Day 268 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 268: Negative Commandment 251


Day 269 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 269: Negative Commandment 253


Soulful Solutions (Part 2)

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Second part in a series that takes a spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth:

1. The mitzvah to be "fruitful and multiply" as applied to non-Jews particularly in the Holy Land.
2. A brief sketch of why the Torah view on abortion does not fit neatly into pro-choice or pro-life.
3. When are we permitted to deviate from the truth?


Day 270 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 270: Negative Commandment 253


Basi Legani 5744: Class 5—Two Ways of Sensing Hashem's Presence

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In this class, we give a review of the main themes covered so far in the previews chapters and we study the final chapter which explains the paradox of how the levels we have learned about called "ohr" (light) and "shem" (name) can coexist. We discuss two main ways in which we can perceive Hashem's presence in creation: Hashem as He gives life to the world and Hashem as He gives existence to the world something from nothing.

Chapter 8 of the discourse.


Day 271 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 271: Negative Commandment 252


Day 272 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 272: Negative Commandment 252


Day 273 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 273: Positive Commandment 245
