Posts by: Shais Taub

Day 332 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 332: Negative Commandment 168


Day 333 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 333: Negative Commandment 167


Day 334 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 334: Negative Commandment 166


Day 335 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 335: Negative Commandment 166


Day 336 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 336: Positive Commandment 173; Negative Commandment 362, 364, 363, 365


Day 337 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 337: Positive Commandment 187; Negative Commandment 49; Positive Commandment 188, 189; Negative Commandment 59


Day 338 (Daily Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 338: Negative Commandment 46; Positive Commandment 190; Negative Commandment 56, 57; Positive Commandment 192, 193


Day 339 (Sefer HaMitzvos)

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Day 339: Positive Commandment 191, 214; Negative Commandment 311, 58; Positive Commandment 221; Negative Commandment 263, 264; Conclusion


On the Solar Eclipse

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Modern life has disconnected us from the rhythms of the cosmos. However, during an eclipse, we collectively look up and are reminded that the universe is in motion, hinting at the existence of a Divine Creator.


Matzah Zu 5749: Class 1—Why Do We Eat Matzah?

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What is the reason why we eat matzah at the Seder? In the Haggadah, we say that the reason is because "our ancestors did not have time for their dough to rise before the Holy One revealed Himself and redeemed them." But is that the actual reason why we eat matzah? Is it not because we were commanded to do so? Analysis of the reason why we eat matzah leads us to understanding different spiritual levels that can be attained through eating matzah on Pesach.

Text-based study of the Rebbe's maamar Matzah Zo 5749. This class covers Chapters 1-2 of the maamar.


The Rabbi & the Psychiatrist

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Join Rabbi Shais Taub and Dr. Jacob L. Freedman in a thought-provoking discussion on mental health, addiction recovery, and Pesach. Delve into the intersection of spirituality and mental well-being as they share insights and strategies for personal growth during the holiday season. Gain valuable perspectives on overcoming challenges and finding inner strength amidst adversity. Whether you're seeking inspiration for your own journey or supporting a loved one, this conversation offers practical wisdom and compassionate guidance.

To purchase the Four Cups Haggadah:


Matzah Zu 5749: Class 2—The Power of Matzah

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First we review last week's class and get into a very lively discussion of the importance of getting Jews to eat matzah on the night of Pesach. We then continue with the maamar and learn about how the matzah we eat possesses the advantages of various different spiritual levels all at once.

Text-based study of the Rebbe's maamar Matzah Zo 5749. This class covers Chapters 3-4 of the maamar.
