Posts by: Shais Taub

The Story of 24 Teives

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A history of the period of the Alter Rebbe's life leading up to his passing on 24 Teives, 5513 (1813 CE) during the Napoleonic Wars in Russia.


Stories, Songs, and Teachings of the Alter Rebbe

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A special musical farbrengen in honor of 24 Teives, the anniversary of the passing of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Rabbi Shais Taub is joined by Eli Marcus and guests.


Tu B'Shevat—Spiritual Lessons from the New Year for Trees

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Various spiritual lessons that we can learn from trees, particularly the "seven species" associated with the Land of Israel.


Tu B'Shevat—Lessons from the Trees

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In honor of Tu b'Shevat, the New Year for Trees, we examine some of the spiritual lessons that we can learn from trees in general and the five species of fruits associated with the Land of Israel in specific.


Purim—When Life Makes No Sense

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How do we get the strength to go on when we cannot see G-d's plan for us? One of the lessons of the Purim holiday is how to respond when life makes no sense.


Purim—Secrets of the Megillah

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A deeper reading of the details of the Megillah—particularly those involving Haman's plot against the Jews—reveals an underlying truth about the unbreakable bond between Jews and G-d.


Pesach—Matzah as a High Risk Investment

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Matzah can only be made with dough that is able to become chametz. But why do we have to take such risks when making matzah? The answer to this question will lead us to understand the "high-risk" investment that Hashem has taken by implanting each one of us with an ego.


Pesach—Never Going Back

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How are we to understand the Torah prohibition against the Jewish people returning to Egypt when many great Jews throughout the ages including the Rambam lived in Egypt? We offer several explanations according to halacha as well as the explanation of the Ari Zal according to kabbalah. What is the lesson for us?


Pesach—Seder Highlights

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Rabbi Shais Taub share some of his favorite ideas from the Haggadah. Part 1 of 2.


Pesach—Seder Highlights Part II

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Rabbi Shais Taub share some of his favorite ideas from the Haggadah. Part 2 of 2.


Pesach—Healthy Individuals, Healthy Communities

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Is Jewish identity collectivist or individualist? Are there no Jews without the Jewish people or no Jewish people without Jews? The first mitzvah performed by the Jewish people, the korban Pesach, holds the answer.


Pesach—When We Were Quarantined

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On the night when the Jewish people left Eygpt they were confined to their homes, as it says (Shemos 12:22) "No one shall leave the entrance of his house until morning." We can learn from this several important lessons applicable to current events.
