Posts by: Shais Taub

What Stray Cats Taught Me About Winning Trust

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Rabbi Shais Taub visits Avi Fishoff's support group for parents in crisis, to present the valuable life lessons he learned while winning the trust of a couple of frightened stray cats. He draws parallels between putting these cats at ease and similar behaviors in interpersonal relationships that convey safety and security especially to those experiencing emotional dysregulation due to trauma.


Vayidaber Elokim 5729: Class 1

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This maamar was originally delivered by the Rebbe on the second day of Shavups 5729 (1969.)

In this class, we cover the first three chapters of the maamar in which the Rebbe begins to analyze a maamar of the Rebbe Maharash of the same name that was delivered 100 years earlier. The central theme is the idea of Hashem's words at Sinai being directed to the individual.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 4—The Power of Tzimtzum

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Chapter 4 answers the question that was asked at the end of the previous chapter. How it is that creation is not nullified out of existence before Hashem? The answer is that Hashem's restraining power allows His creative power to conceal itself in a way that created beings can retain a sense of independent selfhood.


Vayidaber Elokim 5729: Class 2

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Chapter four of the maamar explains the meaning of the four letters of Hashem's name and describes how they are expressed not only in the soul but in the body as well.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 5—Is Creation Real?

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Chapter 5 is very short but very challenging. Based on the Rebbe's explanations, we try to unpack the basic message of the chapter which is to obviate misunderstandings regarding tzimtzum that may arise from Chapter 4.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 6—There's No Other

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In chapter 6, we are finally able to understand the statement in the verse with which we began chapter 1. "Know today and take it upon your heart that Hashem is Elokim; there is no other." Because the Divine Names of Hashem and Elokim are really one, therefore, even the concealment that makes creation appear to exist independently is also G-d. As such, there is truly nothing but Him.


Vayidaber Elokim 5729: Class 3

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In chapters 5 and 6 of the maamar we learn about the way that the events of Matan Torah permanently changed reality and how this is reflected in three aspects: 1) the Giver of the Torah, 2) the recipients of the Torah, and 3) the Torah itself.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 7—No King Without a Nation

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We begin Chapter 7 which introduces the idea of the Higher and Lower Unities (yichuda ilaah and yichuda tataah.) The first concept discussed is that it is Hashem's attribute of Malchus (corresponding to the Divine Name of A-D-N-I) that relates to the inherent limitations of time and space.


Vayidaber Elokim 5729: Class 4

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In chapters 7 and 8 of the maamar we continue to contrast the way that Torah was accessible to the Patriarchs and the way in which we are able to access it now after Matan Torah. In the words of the Midrash, before Matan Torah, the Torah was like the fragrance of the oil whereas after Matan Torah it is like the oil itself.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 7—Space, Time, and Tzimtzum

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In Chapter 7, we explore the concept that despite Hashem's transcendence, He is present within space and time through His attribute of Malchus. Additionally, we examine the Alter Rebbe's interpretation of the Lurianic concept of Tzimtzum, clarifying that it does not imply Hashem literally withdrew Himself to allow for finite creation, but rather concealed His light.


What Happened on 28 Sivan?

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On the 28th day of Sivan in 5701 (1941), the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin arrived safely on American shores, marking not only a miraculous escape from war-torn Europe but also the beginning of a new era in history. This moment heralded a transformative bottom-up approach to self-improvement and global refinement, setting the stage for a profound shift in how we engage with spirituality and our collective mission to perfect the world.


Vayidaber Elokim 5729: Class 5

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In the final two chapters of the maamar, we learn that the level of selflessness achieved through our Torah study after the Giving of the Torah surpasses that of the Avos. Furthermore, through Torah study, we attain true freedom, embodying the concept of "personal redemption."
