Posts by: Shais Taub

Gate of Unity and Faith: Chapter 11—Letters that Create

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The Ten Utterances of creation are only rightly called such from the subjective perspective of the created beings.


Ani L'Dodi 5726: Class 1

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In this maamar, the Rebbe revisits the Alter Rebbe's famous maamar Ani L'Dodi which employs the metaphor of the king in the field to explain the uniqueness of Elul. We begin by contrasting Elul with the High Holidays, describing them as an arousal from below and an arousal from Above, respectively.


Gate of Unity and Faith: Chapter 12—Reflections of the Light

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The twenty-two letters are building blocks that through re-arrangements and substitutions, diminish the original power of the creative energy so that different creating beings can emerge. This diminishing effect may be likened to the sun's light reflected by the moon.


Ani L'Dodi 5726: Class 2

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The Rebbe gives a novel interpretation of the reason for the king's smile in the Alter Rebbe's famous parable of the King in the Field.

Chapters 4 and 5.


Ani L'Dodi 5726: Class 3

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In this part of the maamar, the Rebbe explains how the "king in the field" analogy does not depict an "arousal from Above" inasmuch as it only reveals that which the people had inside of them all along—namely, a desire to be close to the king. Furthermore, the response of the people causes an elevation in the king himself.

We study Chapter 6 and the beginning of chapter 7.
