Category: Parsha

Masei: Smashing the Modern Day Idols

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In this week's Haftarah, the prophet Yirmiyahu rebukes his people: "They say to the wood, 'You are my father,' and to the stone, 'You gave birth to me.'" What are the "stone" and "wood" of our day? How do we identify and rectify the idol worship in our own lives?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 17, p. 145.


Devarim: Should We Demand Moshiach?

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In this week's portion, Moshe blesses the people "May you be multiplied one thousand-fold and may G-d do for you that which He said about you." What are these two blessings? And why is the second one so vague?

Hear the strange story of when the Baal Shem Tov and his students bankrupted a poor man by literally eating him out of house and home. What does this teach us about the need to pray? And how is this connected to the Alshich's explanation of Mother Rochel's tears? Why do we need to cry out to Hashem for Moshiach?

Based on Hiva'aduyos, vol. 34, p. 209.


Va'eschanan: Mind Control, Heart Control

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The Torah describes the mitzvah of the arm Tefilin as an action ("you shall bind them... on your arm") whereas the mitzvah of the head Tefilin is described as a state of being ("they should be... on your head.") What is the legal and mystical distinction between these two expressions? What does it teach us about the difference between the mind and the heart?

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 39, pp. 22-29.


Eikev: What's a Brain Without Feet?

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Understanding the relationship between a leader and his people from the fact that Moshe was blamed for the sin of the Golden Calf although he was not present when it happened.

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 21, p. 175.


Re'eh: Blessing or Curse?

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Is everything G-d does really for the good? If so, are we meant to always feel that way?

Two classic Aramaic translations of a single word represent two different perspectives on evil.

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 19, pp. 133-139.


Vayelech: Hidden Joy

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What does the Torah portion of Vayeilech reveal about the hidden joy within Shabbos Shuvah?

Based on Sefer HaSichos 5749 pp. 6-7.


Noach: The Failed Tzadik

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How Noach fell short as the spiritual leader of his generation. A textual study of the Kedushas Levi (R' Levi Yitzchak Berditcherver) on the Torah portion of Noach.

At the Thursday Night Men's Cholent class.


Lech Lecha: The Need for Speed

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The Ben Ish Chai explains how Avraham Avinu was able to exhibit astounding alacrity when it came to doing mitzvos yet when he needed to deal with mundane matters he remained emotionally detached.


Vayeira: Compassion for the Wicked?

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The Shem MiShmuel asks how Avraham could plead for mercy on behalf of the people of Sodom when they were so cruel to others. Isn't kindness to the Sodomites actually cruelty to their victims?


Chayei Sarah: Getting Off of the Emotional Rollercoaster

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The Sfas Emes explains that the greatness of Sarah our Matriarch is that no matter what was going on in her life, she retained her connection to G-d so that, from her perspective, it could truly be said that every day of her life was "a good day."


Vayetze: How to Keep Your Home Intact

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The unique praise of Yaakov Avinu is that all of his offspring followed in his path. What was Yaakov Avinu's secret to success in marriage and raising children?

In an edited farbrengen from 5725, the Rebbe explains how success at home has to do with knowing when to not really be present and when to be completely focused.

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 5, pp. 376-378.


Vayetze: Marriage and Moshiach

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The Shelah explains the deeper reason why Yaakov Avinu spoke about marital intimacy in ways that may seem inappropriate to us.
