Category: Rebbe Letters

A Politician's Spiritual Opportunity

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The Rebbe urges Israeli politician, Eliezer Livneh, to take the initiative to introduce a more religious tone to his new organization.


A Yeshiva Student and Playing Sports

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The Rebbe guides a teacher regarding a student whose mother is complaining about his refusal to partake in sports and other physical activities.


Spiritual Remedy for Foot Pain

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To someone complaining of pain in his feet, the Rebbe recommends a specific spiritual path to healing.


Helping Others Makes You Healthier

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A letter to Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dabruskin encouraging him to continue his work with Rumanian immigrants. Rather than viewing this as a burden, he should see this as an opportunity to help himself by helping others.


A Teacher's Influence as a Role Model

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The Rebbe encourages a teacher of agriculture to appreciate the importance of his job.


Letter A: Message of a Cover / Letter B: Bar Mitzvah Is Only the Beginning

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In the first letter, the Rebbe responds to artist Meir Ben Uri's critiques of the cover art of the Talks and Tales monthly magazine.

In the second letter, the Rebbe explains to a mother why true Jewish education must continue after bar mitzvah.


The Meaning of Pesach

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In a public letter to all Jews everywhere, the Rebbe explains one of the messages of Pesach: in a short amount of time one can experience a radical transformation from one extreme to the other.


To a Young Woman Seeking Friendship

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The Rebbe gives advice to a young woman who finds it difficult to make friends in her new seminary.


Committing to Grow a Beard

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The Rebbe encourages a father who has recently committed to grow a beard and advises him not to be intimidated by scoffers.


Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts

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The Rebbe gives advice to a mother who experiences pervasive, unwanted thoughts about calamity and disaster.


Why Do Others Have It Easier?

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The Rebbe gives a new perspective to a young man who complains that his peers who are not religious seem to be more successful in life than him.


Letter A: Taking a Financial Leap of Faith / Letter B: Moshe & Moshiach

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