Category: Text-Based Tanya

Lesson 61—Text Based Tanya

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In Ch. 36 of Tanya we continue to impress upon the beinoni why physical action is so important by explaining that the whole purpose of creation lies within the physical.


Lesson 62—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Chapter 37 of Tanya in which we begin to describe the precise mechanics whereby our mitzvos transform the physical world into a dwelling place for Hashem.


Lesson 63—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing Ch. 37 and the explanation of how our physical mitzvos transform the world. We come to understand that the soul did not come to this world for its own fixing but rather to fix the world. We also learn why tzedaka is the quintessential mitzvah.


Lesson 64—Text Based Tanya

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We conclude Ch. 37 and our discussion of the importance of physical action as the means for transforming the physical world into a home for Hashem.


Lesson 65—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Ch. 38 and our discussion of the importance of kavanah in performing mitzvos.


Lesson 66—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 38, we discuss the two levels of kavanah (intent) that may accompany a mitzvah. One level is referred to as "human" while the other is called "animal."


Lesson 67—Text Based Tanya

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We begin Ch. 39 in which we continue our discussion about the different levels of kavanah (intent.) What is the difference between instinctive and intellectual emotions?


Lesson 68—Text Based Tanya

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Finishing Chapter 39 and the discussion of the various levels of intent and the worlds to which they correspond.


Lesson 69—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 40 of Tanya concludes our discussion of kavanah (intent) and its effect on our mitzvos.


Lesson 70—Text Based Tanya

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Starting Ch. 41 of Tanya and the "awe meditation."


Lesson 71—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing Ch. 41, we discuss the necessity for all mitzvos to be done with some level of awe of Hashem and what specific intentions qualify as this awe. Conversely, it is not enough to serve Hashem with awe alone; one must also serve with love.


Lesson 72—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding Ch. 41, we focus on the idea of serving Hashem altruistically.
