Category: Text-Based Tanya

Lesson 73—Text Based Tanya

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Beginning Ch. 42 and the subject of the "internal Moshe Rabenu" that it makes it possible for us to relate to Hashem in a personal way.


Lesson 74—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing Ch. 42 and our discussion of meditations that bring on awe of Hashem.


Lesson 75—Text Based Tanya

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Continuing Ch. 42 and our discussion of awe of Hashem. The class gets off on a tangent but it's kind of interesting.


Lesson 76—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding chapter 42, we speak about the idea that the vastness of the creation is merely a visual cure to remind us of the infinitely greater kingship of Hashem.


Lesson 77—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 43 describes two levels of awe and two levels of love as well as how each may be attained.


Lesson 78—Text Based Tanya

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In Ch. 44 we encounter two new kinds of love--loving Hashem because He is our true life and loving Hashem even more than life because He is our father. Both of these types of love are based on inherited qualities that are automatically present within us but which we must amplify through meditation.


Lesson 79—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 45 of Tanya discusses the concept of arousing divine compassion on the plight of the soul as a method for generating love of G-d.


Lesson 80—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 46 describes the mechanics of reciprocal love that can be channeled to reveal a love for Hashem in our hearts.


Lesson 81—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 47 of Tanya continues the theme of reciprocating love begun in Chapter 48. How to feel that the Exodus is happening right now.


Lesson 82—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 48 of Tanya discusses the concept of Tzimtzum whereby the Infinite makes room for thew finite.


Lesson 83—Text Based Tanya

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We start chapter 49 of Tanya and continue the theme of Tzimtzum begun in the previous chapter. If Hashem "made room" for us, so to speak, within His Infinity, how should we reciprocate toward Him?

Lesson 84—Text Based Tanya

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Finishing Ch. 49 of Tanya and the subject of "reciprocal love." In this class, we deal at length with the idea of Hashem "choosing" the Jewish people.
