Category: Text-Based Tanya

Lesson 85—Text Based Tanya

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Concluding the theme of love and awe of Hashem begun in Ch. 41, a new type of love is introduced here in Ch. 50 that is in a whole different category from all previously discussed forms of love.


Lesson 86—Text Based Tanya

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Chapter 51 of Tanya takes us back to the discussion of the power of action that came up in Chapter 35 where mitzvos were compared to oil which fuels the flame of G-dly revelation. To better understand this, we ask a question: What does it mean that the Divine Presence rested in the Holy of Holies when we know that there is no place devoid of Hashem?


Lesson 87—Text Based Tanya

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This lesson covers Ch. 52 in Tanya in which we further explain the concept of the "brain" of each plane of existence that was mentioned in Ch. 51.


Lesson 88—Text Based Tanya

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The final class of this series covers Ch. 53 of Tanya.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Intro

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We begin the second volume of Tanya known as The Gate of Unity and Faith (Shaar HaYichud Ve'HaEmunah) which explains the oneness and unity of Hashem. In this introduction, the Alter Rebbe explains why we need to understand this subject matter as it is the foundation to developing proper love and awe of Hashem.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 1—Letters that Create

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Chapter 1 of Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah introduces the idea that all of created reality is composed of arrangements of the 22 letters of the Holy Tongue and that it is the Divine Speech that issues for these letters that causes all of creation to continue to exist rather than revert into nothingness.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 2—Continuous Creation

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In Chapter 2 of Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah, the Alter Rebbe uses the mechanics of the miraculous Splitting of the Sea to give us a logical way of understanding why creation must be constant and continuous.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 3—Reality is Like a Sunbeam

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In Chapter 3, the Alter Rebbe illustrates how, based on what we have learned in chs 1-2, it is a logical conclusion that all of created reality is non-existent relative to the Divine energy that constantly brings it in to being,


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 4—The Power of Tzimtzum

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Chapter 4 answers the question that was asked at the end of the previous chapter. How it is that creation is not nullified out of existence before Hashem? The answer is that Hashem's restraining power allows His creative power to conceal itself in a way that created beings can retain a sense of independent selfhood.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 5—Is Creation Real?

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Chapter 5 is very short but very challenging. Based on the Rebbe's explanations, we try to unpack the basic message of the chapter which is to obviate misunderstandings regarding tzimtzum that may arise from Chapter 4.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 6—There's No Other

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In chapter 6, we are finally able to understand the statement in the verse with which we began chapter 1. "Know today and take it upon your heart that Hashem is Elokim; there is no other." Because the Divine Names of Hashem and Elokim are really one, therefore, even the concealment that makes creation appear to exist independently is also G-d. As such, there is truly nothing but Him.


Gate of Unity & Faith: Chapter 7—No King Without a Nation

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We begin Chapter 7 which introduces the idea of the Higher and Lower Unities (yichuda ilaah and yichuda tataah.) The first concept discussed is that it is Hashem's attribute of Malchus (corresponding to the Divine Name of A-D-N-I) that relates to the inherent limitations of time and space.