Category: Topics

The Life & Teachings of Reb Volf

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Reb Menachem Ze'ev "Volf" Greenglass (1917-2010) was a unique educator and role model who raised a generation of students in Lubavitch's yeshiva in Montreal. His only son-in-law, Rabbi Dovid Cohen, joins Rabbi Shais Taub in an interview discussing Rabbi Greenglass' life and teachings.


De-Stigmatizing Anxiety & Depression in Our Community

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Rabbi Shais Taub delivers the key note address at an evening dedicated to putting an end to shame and stigma connected to anxiety and depression. The event was organized by CATCH (Creating A Team of Courage and Hope). For more information about CATCH visit:


What Stray Cats Taught Me About Winning Trust

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Rabbi Shais Taub visits Avi Fishoff's support group for parents in crisis, to present the valuable life lessons he learned while winning the trust of a couple of frightened stray cats. He draws parallels between putting these cats at ease and similar behaviors in interpersonal relationships that convey safety and security especially to those experiencing emotional dysregulation due to trauma.


What Happened on 28 Sivan?

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On the 28th day of Sivan in 5701 (1941), the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin arrived safely on American shores, marking not only a miraculous escape from war-torn Europe but also the beginning of a new era in history. This moment heralded a transformative bottom-up approach to self-improvement and global refinement, setting the stage for a profound shift in how we engage with spirituality and our collective mission to perfect the world.


Acceptance Workshop—Part 1

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For those interested in exploring 12-Step recovery from a Jewish spiritual perspective, Rabbi Shais Taub utilizes texts from the Big Book of AA and the 12 and 12 to discuss how Jews in recovery can integrate their faith tradition into their lives in a manner consistent with sustained recovery.

This video is PART 1 of an intensive all-day workshop entitled "Practicing Acceptance in our Lives and in the Steps."

These sessions were recorded during an intensive, all-day workshop in London, UK, on July 4, 2024.


Recovery Workshop—Part 2

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The second session of the all-day workshop on Judaism and recovery begins with a guided meditation on acceptance followed by a round of Q&A.

This video is PART 2 of an intensive all-day workshop entitled "Practicing Acceptance in our Lives and in the Steps" which was conducted in London, UK on July 4, 2024.


Spiritual Guide to Men & Women

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Drawing on the mystical teachings of Chassidus and Kabbalah, Rabbi Shais Taub explores masculine and feminine paradigms in marriage and relationships. This enlightening talk offers practical insights and a clear understanding of gender dynamics rooted in Jewish spirituality which will bring clarity to those seeking to deepen their insights into male-female interactions.


Worry Less, Earn More

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How does the concept of Bitachon (trust in G-d) apply to earning a living? Rabbi Shais Taub speaks about the spiritual principles of financial success without distraction or worry.
