Category: Topics

Wield the Culture

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A discussion between brothers Shais and Dovid Taub about adopting a “Moshiach mindset” regarding modern social and political trends. Recorded for the Tut Altz learning program from Merkos 302.


Do Your Children Know Who They Are?

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Do your children know who they are? In this class, Rabbi Shais Taub explains how identity is the foundation of education.

Other topics covered include: proper use of incentives and rewards, how to teach values to very young children, and what to do about children asking "deep" questions.

This class was recorded at a gathering of graduates of the Parenting from the Inside Out Webinar who met at the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to pray for each other and their families.


The Rambam and the Baal HaTanya

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Look at some of the fascinating similarities between these two great rabbis whose yahzreits are 20 and 24 Teives respectively.


The Kabbalah of Frederick the Great and the Seven Years War

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In a presentation combining military strategy, European history, psychology, and kabbalah, Rabbi Shais Taub explains why the Alter Rebbe told his grandson the Tzemach Tzedek that the chasidic approach to personal refinement was actually based on the battle strategy of Prussian King Frederick the Great.

In order to understand this cryptic statement, we delve into the fascinating history of the "world war" that took place between all of the European empires during the Alter Rebbe's youth and how Frederick the Great of Prussia developed a new battle strategy which was then identified by the Maggid's son, R' Avraham the Malach, as the conduit for revealing a brand new strategy for waging the inner battle between the animal and G-dly souls.


How to See Your Child

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Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to parents of children in crisis about the need to adopt a spiritual view of one's children. Rabbi Taub discusses "unconditional pride" and what it means to see each child as a soul.

(This talk was presented as a keynote presentation at the Kesher Nafshi retreat.)


Moshiach Shiur

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Rabbi Shais Taub gives the "Moshiach Shiur" at Ohelei Torah


Making Your Soul's Mixtape— Memory, Consciousness, & the Afterlife

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Does consciousness exist separate from the body? How does the soul experience memories of its life in this world? How can we communicate with loved ones who are in heaven? Rabbi Shais Taub discusses the Jewish view of how consciousness operates after the passing of the physical body.


YU Student Shabbaton in Crown Heights

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Rabbi Shais Taub asks a group of Yeshiva University students why they think they came to Crown Heights for Shabbos.


A Deeper Look at Jewish Humor

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Rabbi Shais Taub searches for the quintessential Jewish joke by examining the main tropes of Jewish humor. In the process, he tells dozens of classic Jewish jokes. Hilarious and thought-provoking.


Pesach and Parenting

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How are each of the "Four Sons" from the Passover Seder really an only child? Learn how to see the Oneness in your children's souls. For more information about Rabbi Taub's upcoming parenting course go to


What Your Teen REALLY Needs from You

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What do teenagers need from their parents in order to grow up to be strong and successful adults? How can we give selflessly to our teenaged children?


When Moshiach Comes, the Whole World Will Be Like Camp

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Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to a gathering of head staff of Lubavitcher summer camps to inspire them for the summer ahead. Based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe from 20 Av 5743, it is explained how the purpose of camp is to experience "taanug" (pleasure) in one's Judaism and that this is an even higher level than the education one receives the rest of the year in yeshiva.
