Category: Topics

The Rebbe's Life & the History of Aviation

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At a celebration of the Rebbe's 120th birthday hosted by Chabad of Long Island at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, Rabbi Shais Taub tells the story of the Rebbe's life and leadership as a narrative that parallels developments in human flight.


Parenting 2.0: Raising the Children of the Geulah

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Rabbi Shais Taub speaks live in Crown Heights about the challenges and the advantages of parenting children in our unique age.


3 Tammuz Farbrengen with R' Shais Taub, R' Yussie Zakutinski, Benny Friedman, and Nachi Gordon

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In honor of the 28th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, a grand farbrengen with inspiration for Rabbi Shais Taub and Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky, niggunim led by Jewish music superstar Benny Friedman, with master of ceremonies Nachi Gordon.


The Rebbe and the Infinite Value of the Individual

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Chabad centers from eastern and central Massachusetts gather for a special evening of tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe in honor of his yahrzeit on 3 Tammuz. Rabbi Shais Taub speaks about the Rebbe's vision for healing the world through uplifting the individual.


Bitachon Workshop (Spiritual Tools for Emotional Wellbeing)

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Spiritual tools for emotional wellbeing based on the classic Shaar Habitachon. Recorded live at Evergreen Estates. In memory of Sima bas Mordechai HaKohen


20 Av: The Rebbe's Father's Letter to His Son

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In honor of the yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, study a letter that he wrote to his son. The letter gives a taste of the Rebbe's father's complex, technical, and esoteric style as well as a glimpse into their personal relationship.


Explaining "The King in the Field" to Children

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The parable of the King in the Field has inspired Jews for centuries during the days of the month of Elul. But how can we explain such a lofty idea to small children? Rabbi Shais Taub explains based on the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.


How to Be a Teacher that Students Want to Learn From

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Successful teaching always comes down to one thing: the trusting, caring relationship between teacher and student. It is not knowledge or eloquence that makes a great teacher but the capacity to care.

This presentation was made at the beginning of the academic year staff orientation for Shulamith High School in the Five Towns, NY.


Rabbi Shais Taub: Talking to Students Before the First Day of School

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How can we make the most of the upcoming school year? Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to new seminary students before the first day of school.


Rabbi Shais Taub: Chai Elul Farbrengen

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Live from Crown Heights, a gathering in honor of 18 ("Chai") Elul, the birthdays of the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe.


Beyond Positive Thinking: Live Hakhel Bitachon Event

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How can Bitachon (trust in G-d) make a practical difference in our lives? And how do we move into the headspace and heartspace of total reliance on G-d that brings about these results? Rabbi Shais Taub discusses some of the groundbreaking ideas presented in a published talk of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36, p. 1) that explains how "think good, it will be good" really works.

Followed by live Q&A.

**לזכות העניא בת ברכה דבורה לאה**


Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part I

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Deeper meaning and practical takeaways from the chasidic discourse Lcha Dodi which describes the spiritual dynamics of marriage. In partnership with
