Category: Topics

Not Just Talk, We Need Experiences

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Why did the Jewish people gather once in seven years at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and how is this idea still relevant today? Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to a Hakhel gathering in London, UK about the significance of Hakhel gatherings and the necessity of having embodied experiences of Judaism.


19 Kislev Farbrengen | Crown Heights 5783

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Live from Crown Heights, celebrate the Rosh HaShanah l'Chasidus with Rabbi Shais Taub.


Jewish Unity in Honor of 19 Kislev in Lakewood

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The inner dimension of the Torah reveals how the Jewish people are united as a single, inseparable entity. We must express this unity in every way possible in our day to day lives.

This is an excerpt from a longer Farbrengen.

*לזכות העניא בת ברכה דבורה לאה*


Spiritual Tools to Counter Anxiety

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Are we stressed because of the stories we tell ourselves or do we tell ourselves stories because we are stressed. King Solomon's wisdom provides us with two powerful spiritual tools for ridding ourselves of these personal "mythologies" that we use to explain our suffering.


Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part II

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A further discussion of the spiritual paradigms of masculine and feminine. In this follow up episode we focus specifically on applications in the area of marital intimacy.


When It's Stressful Just to Exist

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There are many reasons why some of us feel perpetually anxious. In this second lecture in a series on Emunah & Anxiety, Rabbi Shais Taub addresses some of the underlying conditions that can place an extra burden on our allostatic load. He uses the expression "spiritual canaries" to describe people for whom life itself can be incredibly stressful.


Why Is Life So Difficult?

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Why are we here? What's life all about? And do we really have any say in the matter?

These were the questions I was told to speak about as they drove me from London Heathrow to my speaking engagement where a crowd was already gathered.


Connecting with Our Children

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What is the purpose of bonding and emotional connection in parenting and how is it accomplished? Rabbi Shais Taub addresses parents of Chaviva High School in Cleveland, OH to discuss the Jewish way in creating emotional trust and safety in our homes so that our children may flourish.


R' Asi Spiegel in Conversation with Rabbi Shais Taub

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Rabbi Asi Spiegel of Tzfas, Israel joins Rabbi Shais Taub in the SoulWords studios to discuss his work teaching chasidus near the resting place of the Rashbi. From there, the conversation touches upon many topics such as understanding Israeli culture and what it takes to properly translate chasidus into any language.


Who's the Director of Your Life? | This SIMPLE mindset shift will bring you PEACE

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When experiencing stress, it can be extremely difficult to feel present in our own lives. We go into our own heads and get caught in a loop of distracting thoughts. Rabbi Shais Taub speaks about a deep, spiritual perspective that we can use as a tool for embracing the current moment so that we actually "show up for our own lives."


R' Yahir Elbaze from Paris, France in Conversation with Rabbi Shais Taub

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Who is "the French Shais Taub"? Why was the Alter Rebbe against Napoleon? What is the greatest cultural export of France? Can bitachon bring you a million dollars? Find out the answers to these questions (and more) as R' Yahir Elbaze, shliach from Paris, France, joins Rabbi Shais Taub in the SoulWords studios.

Support Rabbi Elabaze's new Chabad House in Paris:


From Lubavitch to New York: The Little Known Story of Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah

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Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, wife of the Rebbe Rashab and mother of the Frierdiker Rebbe, was the last Chabad Rebbetzin to serve in the town of Lubavitch. Far too few know her story or even that her resting place is just a few feet from the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbes in Queens. In honor of her yahrzeit on 13 Shvat, Rabbi Shais Taub shares a glimpse into her amazing life.
