Category: Topics

Beyond Mashpia & Mekabel—Part III

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Rabbi Taub responds to viewer’s questions about how to navigate the marital relationship In keeping with the mashpia/mekabel roles. NOTE: Viewers are advised to watch Parts 1 and 2 before delving into this Question & Answer session.


Parenting with Love (the RIGHT Way)

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Many of us have come to realize that some of the old models of harshness and domination are no longer desirable or effective. But what do we replace them with? Is gentle parenting synonymous with permissive parenting? Is there a way to help our children be the best versions of themselves without crushing them? In this talk given in Crown Heights, Rabbi Shais Taub draws upon the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to outline an approach to loving parenting that really works.

This event was recorded in Crown Heights at a Junior Nshei Chabad event on May 2, 2023.


Live Q&A from Parenting with Love

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Follow up Q&A after the presentation on Parenting with Love.

This event was recorded in Crown Heights at a Junior Nshei Chabad event on May 2, 2023.


Scapegoats and Cycle Breakers

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Families with a narcissistic parent often choose one child to be a scapegoat. What happens when this child finally breaks free from the toxic family system? We look at a Biblical model for this in the relationship between Yaakov and his father-in-law Lavan.


How to Raise a Fearless Child (Camp Gan Israel 1957)

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In the summer of 1957, the Rebbe made his second of three visits to the Gan Israel summer camp and delivered a talk addressed to campers and staff. Rabbi Shais Taub speaks to head counselors of Chabad camps and analyzes the Rebbe's camp message as a model for a revolutionary new approach to child development particularly regarding raising children who are confident and well-adjusted.


Rabbi Shais Taub: 3 Tammuz Farbrengen

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Life Lessons from the Bais HaMikdash

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During the Three Weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash we engage in its rebuilding by studying the laws of its construction. In this spirit, Rabbi Shais Taub shares spiritual lessons we can learn from the Bais HaMikdash and apply in our own lives.


A Torah Perspective on Neurodiversity

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Rabbi Shais Taub shares a spiritual view on neurodiversity according to the Torah. He speaks about the challenges and the gifts of having an unusual way of viewing reality as well as how people who are neurodiverse can be more compassionate with themselves.


Marriage & Moshiach

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Welcome to a transformative journey of preparing your home and heart for the imminent arrival of Moshiach—the era of universal peace and healing. In this enlightening video, we delve into the profound significance of breaking intergenerational cycles and cleansing our family lines, setting the stage for a world of harmony and redemption.


Hakhel: The Necessity of Lived Experience

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Speaking in Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, Rabbi Shais Taub addresses the meaning of "Hakhel" which was revived as a custom in this generation by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.


Gender in Marriage

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Explore the essence of masculinity and femininity, their harmonious interplay in relationships, and how embracing these divine traits can strengthen the bonds of love within marriage. Gain invaluable insights into fostering emotional intimacy, mutual respect, and appreciation for each partner's unique strengths.


Jewish Secrets of Resilience

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Embark on a journey into the heart of Jewish resilience and the profound paradox of sustaining joy and tranquility in the midst of pain and turmoil. Rabbi Shais Taub imparts a collection of compelling stories that illuminate the unique Jewish ability to remain irrationally positive and hopeful even when it hurts.
