Category: Topics

Jewish and Alone?

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Avraham our father was one person against the world. And yet he also became a great leader and ambassador to people of all nations. This is the Jewish paradox. And the reason why some of us may be feeling very alone.


Embracing Your Child's Differences

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Neurodivergent children (such as those with ASD, ADHD, and others) carry a unique light that is often unrecognized which can lead to pain and isolation. It is up to parents to help their children discover and embrace that which makes them special and help them to shine their light.

Emphasizing Carl Jung's insight "the greatest burden on a child is the unlived life of the parent," Rabbi Taub retells the Biblical story of Leah and her daughter Dinah as a case study of the effects that a parent's unfulfilled destiny has on a child.

Recorded live on 19 Kislev at Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach


Attract the People Who Really Like You (Online and in Real Life)

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This advice is so simple it hardly deserves to be considered a life hack except for the fact that the vast majority of people will not be willing to do it. It's the difference between exhausting yourself trying to gain acceptance and being appreciated for who you truly are.


Christopher Hitchen's Prediction About the Future of Faith

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Christopher Hitchens once formulated a compelling argument that widespread atheism was an inevitability. It helped me better understand my faith.


A Guided Tanya Meditation

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A basic introduction to "hisbonenus," a Chabad chasidic meditative practice. The particular meditation that Rabbi Taub guides the class through is taken from Chapter 41 of Tanya and is a meditation specifically designed to foster feelings of awe of G-d.


Time to Get Real with Parenting

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In this keynote address at the Kesher Nafshi shabbaton, Rabbi Shais Taub challenges the premise of "crisis chinuch" and argues that parents need to tap into not only the unconditional love but "unconditional pride" in every child. Rabbi Taub also discusses the importance of vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity in our families and community.


Chabad Meditation (in Three Stages)

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The three levels of meditation (hisbonenus) are rungs on a ladder. Based on Hayom Yom 20 Tammuz. Meditation after study focuses on sensing the intellect of the concept; meditation before prayer focuses on sensing the vitality of the concept; and meditation during prayer focuses on sensing the G-dliness of the concept.


Divine Sunset Meditation

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Based on Ch. 42 of Tanya, we examine the role of "da'as" in transforming abstract, spiritual ideas into experiential knowledge. Rabbi Taub presents a guided meditation on the power of G-d evident in a sunset.

Third in a series on Tanya and meditation.


Ahavas Olam Meditation

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A meditation for generating a powerful love of G-d by redirecting feelings of love we already have for things of this world. This level of love is described in Ch. 43 of Tanya as "ahavas olam" (a love derived from the world.)


Soulful Solutions (Part 1)

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A spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth:

1. What is the actual reason why one should not repeat someone else's ideas without attribution?
2. Why is it preferred to slaughter an animal on Shabbos to feed a sick person even if non-kosher meat is available?
3. Why are we forbidden from turning over an individual to be killed in order to save a group?


Soulful Solutions (Part 2)

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Second part in a series that takes a spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth:

1. The mitzvah to be "fruitful and multiply" as applied to non-Jews particularly in the Holy Land.
2. A brief sketch of why the Torah view on abortion does not fit neatly into pro-choice or pro-life.
3. When are we permitted to deviate from the truth?


Life Meditation

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Join Rabbi Shais Taub in a guided meditation based on Chapter 44 of Tanya, which helps one to cultivate a deep love for Hashem by contemplating His role as the source of our life. This is the meditation known as "My Soul, I desire You."
