Category: Topics

Boomers vs Gen Z

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Symbols of cultural identity that inspired Jewish boomers are not meaningful to Gen Z. Is this the end of Judaism or a new beginning? Rabbi Shais Taub suggests that the only thing left is to explain the mystical truth about the uniqueness of this physical world.

Recorded in front of a group of college students from Aish UK on a trip to NYC.


Compassion for the Plight of the Soul

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When one meditates on the idea of the soul's descent into a body, this should arouse our sense of compassion for its plight. This then can activate our feelings of love of G-d described by the kabbalists as "kissing" and "hugging."

Based on Ch. 45 of Tanya.


Remembering a Departed Love One

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What is the proper way to memorialize a loved one who has passed? How do we as Jews comfort those who have suffered a loss? This lecture was delivered at the Levi Yitzchak Library in Cedarhurst, NY which is named for Levi Yitzchak Wolowik a"h who suddenly and tragically passed away in his sleep at the age of nine.



The Mirror of the Heart

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In Chapter 46 of Tanya, we learn about a mechanism by which we can automatically trigger intense feelings of love for our Creator. This is based on the Solomon's wisdom that "As water reflects a face, so does one heart reflect another heart."


The Body and Spiritual Freedom

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Embodiment may be considered both a prison for the soul as well as its path to spiritual freedom.

Continuing the theme introduced in Ch. 46 of Tanya which explains the reflective nature of the heart, Ch. 47 asks how we can feel G-d's love for us that He exhibited when taking us out from Egypt when it happened so long ago. The answer is that we can view every moment as "Egypt" and whenever we connect to Him through Torah and mitzvos, this is our "Exodus."


Making Room for Hashem

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In order to make space within Himself for us, Hashem "contracts" His Infinity, so to speak. When we contemplate on the fact that this is all done in order to create the possibility of a relationship with Him, it will trigger within us reciprocal feelings of wanting to "contract" ourselves for Him, ie. to prioritize His will even at the cost of our personal desires.

Based on Chapters 48-49 of Tanya.


Catch 22 of the Soul

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Explore the paradoxical mission of the soul, torn between the intense desire to transcend the body and the necessity to return in order to make a dwelling place for Hashem in this world.

Based on Chapter 50 of Tanya.


On the Solar Eclipse

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Modern life has disconnected us from the rhythms of the cosmos. However, during an eclipse, we collectively look up and are reminded that the universe is in motion, hinting at the existence of a Divine Creator.


The Rabbi & the Psychiatrist

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Join Rabbi Shais Taub and Dr. Jacob L. Freedman in a thought-provoking discussion on mental health, addiction recovery, and Pesach. Delve into the intersection of spirituality and mental well-being as they share insights and strategies for personal growth during the holiday season. Gain valuable perspectives on overcoming challenges and finding inner strength amidst adversity. Whether you're seeking inspiration for your own journey or supporting a loved one, this conversation offers practical wisdom and compassionate guidance.

To purchase the Four Cups Haggadah:


Three Phases of Freedom

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Co-founder of AA, Dr. Bob, once said that the entire 12-Step program could be summed up as: 1) Trust G-d, 2) Clean House, 3) Help Others. In that spirit, Rabbi Shais Taub presents a 1-hour overview of the 12 Steps of recovery structured into "three phases of freedom" corresponding to three months on the Jewish calendar as well as three phrases in the verse (Song of Songs 1:4) "Draw me, we will run after you; the king brought me to his chambers."

This was delivered as the step workshop at the Kansas City Recovery Conference in 2024.


Guided Meditation for 12-Step Recovery

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Rabbi Shais Taub leads a guided meditation session at the Kansas City Recovery Retreat. The focus of the meditation is on the idea of G-d's complete "Everything-ness" and how we can surrender our separate egos to that reality to experience greater serenity and, most importantly, increase our usefulness to our Maker.


Ten Sefiros

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Join Rabbi Shais Taub as he brings the mystical Ten Sefiros to life, straight from the core texts of Kabbalah and Chassidic philosophy. This session isn't just an overview—it's a deep dive into sacred writings like the introduction to Tikunei Zohar and Igeres HaKodesh, chapter 15. Rabbi Taub translates ancient wisdom into practical insights that resonate with our everyday lives. Discover how these fundamental Kabbalistic concepts can transform your understanding and spiritual practice.
