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gate of unity faith
Gate of Unity & Faith
We begin the second volume of Tanya known as The Gate of Unity and Faith (Shaar HaYichud Ve'HaEmunah) which explains the oneness and unity of …
Chapter 1 of Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah introduces the idea that all of created reality is composed of arrangements of the 22 letters of the Holy …
In Chapter 2 of Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah, the Alter Rebbe uses the mechanics of the miraculous Splitting of the Sea to give us a logical …
In Chapter 3, the Alter Rebbe illustrates how, based on what we have learned in chs 1-2, it is a logical conclusion that all of …
Chapter 4 answers the question that was asked at the end of the previous chapter. How it is that creation is not nullified out of …
Chapter 5 is very short but very challenging. Based on the Rebbe's explanations, we try to unpack the basic message of the chapter which is …
In chapter 6, we are finally able to understand the statement in the verse with which we began chapter 1. "Know today and take it …
We begin Chapter 7 which introduces the idea of the Higher and Lower Unities (yichuda ilaah and yichuda tataah.) The first concept discussed is that …
In Chapter 7, we explore the concept that despite Hashem's transcendence, He is present within space and time through His attribute of Malchus. Additionally, we …
We conclude Ch. 7 with a further explanation of Tzimztum and how it is possible for Hashem to fill all worlds while simultaneously not being …
Having explained in chapters 1-7 how Hashem is the only true existence and that the worlds are not something "other" than Him, we now turn …
The Essence of G-d cannot be described by even the loftiest attributes, so why do we speak of Hashem as "wise" or "compassionate" etc? In …