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happiness / emotional well - being
Happiness / Emotional Well-being
Toxic thinking, like fear and worry, can remove us from the here and now, causing us not to be present in our own lives. By …
The Jewish approach to happiness differs fundamentally from the way the world at large views it. Is happiness a goal or a means to a …
Are we stressed because of the stories we tell ourselves or do we tell ourselves stories because we are stressed. King Solomon's wisdom provides us …
There are many reasons why some of us feel perpetually anxious. In this second lecture in a series on Emunah & Anxiety, Rabbi Shais Taub …
When experiencing stress, it can be extremely difficult to feel present in our own lives. We go into our own heads and get caught in …
Rabbi Shais Taub shares a spiritual view on neurodiversity according to the Torah. He speaks about the challenges and the gifts of having an unusual …
Embark on a journey into the heart of Jewish resilience and the profound paradox of sustaining joy and tranquility in the midst of pain and …
Avraham our father was one person against the world. And yet he also became a great leader and ambassador to people of all nations. This …
This advice is so simple it hardly deserves to be considered a life hack except for the fact that the vast majority of people will …
Rabbi Shais Taub delivers the key note address at an evening dedicated to putting an end to shame and stigma connected to anxiety and depression. …
Rabbi Shais Taub shares three powerful spiritual tools for increasing our emotional wellbeing. Delivered in Lakewood, NJ on Nov 26, 2024.