11:00 am ET
8:30 pm - 10:00 pm 01/07/2025 - 02/11/2025
A 6-week online course with Rabbi Shais Taub $495/ Person | $695 / Couple
8:30 pm - 10:00 pm 01/08/2025 - 02/12/2025
Shaar HaBitachon
The selfless person will make use of material things to do G-d's will, but never just for personal gratification. In doing so, everything in this …
How one who has bitachon goes about earning a livelihood in contrast with one who does not have bitachon.(Chapter 5)
Continuing with the seven ways in which the one who has bitachon differs from the one who doesn’t have bitachon when earning a livelihood. We …
One who trusts in G-d does not rely on any person so he doesn’t feel threatened by anyone. G-d is providing the resources, not any …
The "collateral takers" are making a fundamental error in their approach to serving G-d. We discuss seven reasons for their mistake.(Chapter 6)
Continuing with the seven fundamental flaws of the pledge taker attitude. Don’t set preconditions; start serving G-d the best you can right now.(Chapter 6)
We discuss factors that can damage bitachon. Ignorance about G-d, Torah, and how the world works can be detrimental to one's trust in G-d.(Chapter 7)
As we climb the "ladder" of trust, we come to the highest levels of equanimity where we never wish to be in a situation different …
At the "top of the ladder" of development in bitachon, the 10th level, one becomes disgusted by mundane things for their own sake and not …
Siyum celebration following the completion of a class on the classic Shaar HaBitachon (Gate of Trust) from Rabenu Bachaye's Chovos HaLevavos.