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8:30 pm - 10:00 pm 01/07/2025 - 02/11/2025
A 6-week online course with Rabbi Shais Taub $495/ Person | $695 / Couple
8:30 pm - 10:00 pm 01/08/2025 - 02/12/2025
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chapter 16
"The brain rules over the heart," which at first referred to impulse control and reigning in the impulses of the heart, now is explained to …
chapter 17
"It is very close to you--in your mouth, in your heart, to do it." Even the regular person can change his or her emotions enough …
chapter 18-25
Another way of finding motivation to do mitzvos is by activating the soul's latent love for G-d. All Jews possess the capacity to make the …
chapter 26 (part I)
What is the importance of joy? And how does one rid oneself of worries over material problems. (First half of Chapter 26.)
chapter 26 (part II)
How do we overcome worry over spiritual problems, namely the guilt over past sins? (Second half of Chapter 26.)
chapter 27
Not only should one who has sinful impulses not be ashamed, he should rejoice in the opportunity to curb these impulses and thereby do a …
chapter 28
Negating the popular misconception that if you experience distracting thoughts during prayer it means your prayers are worthless. The opposite may even be true.
chapter 29
Addressing the problem of "timtum halev" (blockage of the heart) which causes a person not to feel. In this chapter, apathy is identified as an …
chapter 30-31
Continuing the theme begun in the previous chapter, namely leveling the false pride of the animal soul, we now discuss the importance of feeling humble …
chapter 32
The advice in the previous chapter, that of redefining our self image as soul-centered rather than body centered, is also the way to fulfill the …
chapter 33
One method for attaining joy is by contemplating G-d's absolute Oneness, meaning that even in this world, He is present. By doing so, we actually …
chapter 34
Another method for attaining joy is by considering the fact that since the destruction of the Temple, "The Holy One has no other sanctuary in …